Daily Workout - Shoulders with Barbells in Home Gym

I took Sunday off and feel rested today, my shoulders felt really good and I went a bit heavier today with the barbells but still took it slow and started out light.
It's strange but some days even though I am working out with exactly the same amount of intensity, I find myself generating a ton of heat. Not only do "I" feel warm but the little room that I workout in gets really warm from my body heat, I know this because when I leave my workout room, the rest of the house feels very cool.
Everyday is different!
- Warmup: Elliptical for 10 Minutes.
- Shoulder Press with Barbells.
- Barbell Shoulder Flies in Three Positions: Forward, Side, Behind.
- Upright Row Raises with Pulley.
- Shoulder Shrugs with Smith Machine Straight Bar.
- Misc. Stretching.
- Abs: Misc Crunches & Leg Raises.
Total workout time: About 1 hour.