Daily Workout - MMA at World Class Martial Arts

Saturday is the day I usually go to my MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) class. I want to try and make it twice per week but find it hard to do and physically challenging as I usually need several days afterwards to recover!
It's a fantastic workout and I can easily burn 500-1000 calories per hour doing this while learning skills that may come in handy one day (Hopefully not). Today I stayed for the full three hours and will pay for it for the next few day no doubt?
On Saturdays we start off with an hour of miscellaneous strength and conditioning exercises, then we move on to a one hour session Muay Thai & MMA Technical class followed by one hour of Muay Thai & MMA Sparing.
My reward for this marathon of abuse was a trip to McDonalds. But before you get down on me, my entire McLunch was only about 750 calories or just a smidgen of what I burned off in class today. (McDouble, Jr. McChicken, and a Large Water)
We'll see how I feel tomorrow... And the day after... And the day after that... :(