TheFitExpo Anaheim Show Coverage by

While at TheFitExpo in Anaheim I obviously took a bunch of video and some photos to share with everyone. Well I have put most of it all together into one video to share with you and in this written post I will include some additional photos.
Some of the highlights for me where the people I met there, Jef Rizzo from RizKnows being one of them! Jeff is a super great guy with a personality made for YouTube, Jeff is fearless on the floor just going up to literally anyone and making his presence know. It was really cool to watch!
I also got to meet Kali Muscle, another YouTube Icon know for his massive muscle size and usable strength, it's hard to believe guy with his muscle mass can do muscle-ups no problem!
Last year I watch the 2014 Olympia Men's Physique and saw Jeremy Buendia win the Olympia Men's Physique Competition. What an amazing accomplishment! As I am a physique competitor myself it was really exciting for me to meet Jeremy in person at TheFitExpo in Anaheim.
There where a lot of supplement companies there showing off their products in many forms from Pancake Mixes (Pumped up Pancakes), to liquid Egg Protein Drinks (Muscle Egg), to great tasting bars (RiseBar) and even Yogurt based high protein snacks (ProYo).
Some not so expected products where Men's custom underwear (2UNDR), some denim shirts made for the athletic build (Trim) and a customizable modular bed (Reverie) perfect for the hard working athlete.
I also got to do a post contest body composition test using the InBody body Composition Analyser and even though I had been eating like a horse since my Victoria Cup Men's Physique Competition wrap up, I still came in at 6.4% body fat, I wonder what I was on competition day?
Well, I was a bit sad to leave sunny California but on the other hand it was nice to come home to my family and get back to a normal routine again.
Watch my Full video showing many of my highlights for TheFitExpo Anaheim: