Road to the Canadian Nationals - 12 Days Out - Goals and Expectations

This will be my last week of regular high intensity full workouts which is always hard at this point since I have started my heavy food and carb cut. As I progress through this week I will start to feel weaker and weaker as I get more and more depleted. My calorie cut is close to a 2000 calorie deficit per day at least for the first while till I drop a lot of the last bits of stubborn fat and water, and deplete my muscle of glycogen.
But that's not what this video is about. Like my BC Championships series I wanted to make a video where I talk about my goals and expectations for how I hope to do at the CBBF Canadian Nationals. I am presented with a huge opportunity since there will be IFBB Pro Cards being offered to the overall winners for each category and that also includes Men's Masters Physique. What this means is that if I win first place in my Men's Masters Physique tall division, I will then be compared on stage with the other Men's Masters Physique height divisions and the overall winner will get their IFBB Pro Card. I am also entered in Men's Open Physique and will have this similar opportunity but I am expecting the Open division to be even more competitive so my best chances for an IFBB Pro Card should most likely be in Men's Masters Physique.
IFBB Pro Card aside I am really hoping to place first in my Men's Masters Physique division and top 5 in the Open division at the Canadian Nationals so I can stand up on stage with all those young bucks and show them us old coots still got it. I do not expect anything but I have high hopes and I know going into this that the competition will be amazing so if I do achieve my goal it will be that much more rewarding.
In terms of how my progress has been going between the BC Championships and up until now... I feel I have added a little more size while still remaining lean and should not have any problem getting back to stage shredded condition for contest day. I will also have some improved posing, a few little corrections that will make me look even fuller and more balanced on stage.