My MMA gym is offering Yoga classes twice a week (Tuesdays & Thursdays) and as I am not so flexible, this gives me the opportunity to work on my flexibility and learn some new exercises I can incorporate during my home workouts.
Yoga is more than just stretching. It's also about relaxation, balance and body awareness. Our instructor summed it up nicely by thanking us at the end of our Yoga session for investing this time in our health. In fact any time you do some sort of exercise, you are investing in your health. And when you think about it, isn't your health the most important thing you can invest in. So why don't we all do this more? Oh yah, it takes time and energy! All I can say to that is it's time and energy well invested.
I found this particular Yoga session to be fairly low intensity and more focused on proper technique, which was good for me as I am not a Yoga regular by any means.
I think Yoga is for everyone, it improves your strength, flexibility, balance and breathing. If you are religious and maybe you have been tuned off by the meditation side of Yoga going against your religious beliefs, most Yoga these days is meditating for the relaxation side of things. You can meditate about whatever you want. Personally I was thinking about being able to do some of these moves one day.
By the way, here is a good Yoga YouTube Channel!
Update: I decided to do an evening Back Workout - I used my Smith Machine pulleys to do Wide Pull Downs, Narrow Pull Downs and Seated Rows. I worked in some of my Yoga hip stretching (I learned this morning) between sets and I finished off with Abs. Total time about 35 minutes.