Chlorine Dioxide MMS for Water Purification and Some Other Cool Stuff

Chlorine Dioxide or the version I bought (MMS) Miracle Mineral Solution is an oxidant that is known for it's purification and anti virus, bacteria, fungi and parasitic uses in water and perhaps even humans. It has been used for decades in water treatment and can even be bought easily as a water purifying treatment.
What you can not say about Chlorine Dioxide or MMS is that it can be used as a treatment for illnesses or disease because if you do you will most likely get your video banned, your post fact checked or even deleted, you even risk being banished from YouTube and other social media platforms so be very careful what say about Chlorine Dioxide / MMS and what organizations you may upset.
To be honest the fact that Chlorine Dioxide / MMS is so taboo is maybe what made me even more interested in it since I have come to realize that the more information is suppressed, the more damaging it must be to someone or some organization that may have something to lose if this new found information was made public knowledge.
For instance, if there was something out there that cost only pennies per day and was able to cure or at least help significantly with a bunch of illnesses and diseases, and let's say you where a big pharmaceutical company that made billions from selling medications for these same ailments that could be cured or managed again for the cost of a daily vitamin? Well you would probably do what ever it took to make that very costly problem disappear... Just saying hypothetically of course.
But I digress...
In this video I talk about what I experienced when taking Chlorine Dioxide / MMS for a month, how it helped with severe itchy skin all over my body and also did what I can only describe as a deep cleanse of my entire digestive system reducing about 4-5 pounds of permanent body weight from my digestive tract and actually decreasing my waist size.
I suggest you do your own research and come to your own conclusions about Chlorine Dioxide / MMS. Here are some useful links to help get you started...
Great Overview Video of Chlorine Dioxide MMS