Wow! I got featured in the 2019 November/December CPA Newsletter

I just got the link from the CPA (Canadian Physique Alliance) to their latest CPA News Letter and take a look who's name is on Page 59 and Photo on page 60! I'm famous now ;)

I just got the link from the CPA (Canadian Physique Alliance) to their latest CPA News Letter and take a look who's name is on Page 59 and Photo on page 60! I'm famous now ;)
It's been a little over a week now and so I thought it was time to do a follow-up on my Popeye's Fall Classic 2019 results. I even have my professional stage photos to add to the video so make sure to watch the entire video to see all the photos since they are inserted throughout the video.
In this Popeye's Fall Classic 2019 Follow Up Video I mainly talk about how I felt I did and if I was happy with the what I presented at the show, what would I like to change for any future shows and if there are even going to be any future shows and what they might be...
In summary I am very happy I decided to attend this years Popeye's Fall Classic, I got pretty much exactly the results I was hoping for which was to take home the Overall Trophy in Open Men's Physique and to place top 5 in Open Men's Classic Physique since I really was not prepared to do Classic Physique at all going into this years Popeye's Fall Classic.
It's all said and done and I know it always take me at least a day or tow to get my Show Day video out so one day after the fact for me is doing pretty good. I did post my results on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter so if you are not following me on any of those platforms then get hooked up for more instant info.
Before I get into the details of how I did, I feel a perspective is required. In both categories that I competed in there where at least 50 guys, most of which completed in the Open Category (Any Age so most of them where in their 20's to 30's). So a good turnout of competitors.
OK so here's how I did. In Men's Open Classic Physique (Which is not the category I focus on), I placed 3rd out of around 15 of the tall division competitors that for the most part all came well prepared for the show. Keep in mind on check-in day I weighed in at 190 pounds but I am allowed to be up to 212 pounds based on my height, so a lot of the guys I went head to head against where out sizing me by a good 20 pounds. That said I feel my posing and conditioning really helped me out to get third place which I am really proud to achieve considering I could be the father to most of the guys I was standing on stage with.
My main focus category, Men's Open Physique, I placed 1st again in my tall class which had 5 guys in it, and again all the fellows looked great and worked hard to get to that stage prepared so the win was not an easy one. As a first place winner of my height category, I was then given the opportunity to be in the Overalls with the other winners of their height categories. Which meant for Men's Open Physique there was a total of 4 of us fighting to be the Overall Winner. It was a real battle but while I was on stage I felt the judges where really paying a lot of attention to me which is a good thing, after the comparisons we went back to our stage positions and waited for the announcement of who the Overall Winner was going to be and after what seemed like forever I finally heard my number and name called and I got to tell you it was a very emotional feeling that came over me, in some ways relief that I had finally won an Overall and also the felling of absolute appreciation to the judges for picking me out of everyone that worked so hard to be there that day.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of photos or video to show you but when it does become available I will post it for sure. I did pay for professional Stage photos so I can promise those will be included in a video when I get them.
One more sleep to go, well I say that but I always have a hard time getting a good sleep the bight before a show, too much excitement and thoughts going on in my head. I usually wake up way before my alarm goes off and it's set early believe me so I usually just get up at that point and do something productive like posing practice or getting last minute stuff ready.
Today I got a lot done, stuff like shaving my entire body, getting one last tanning session in, a nice upper body pump over at BodyByBrandt where Dean Brandt also gave me some posing practice tips that really helped out a lot.
I will also be getting my spray tan done early Saturday morning by Leigh Brandt "ProEliteTan" so this time around I will be just as dark as everyone else, not taking any chances at Popeye's Fall Classic!
I also went to the Athletes check-in and meeting, well kind of. I did not get the email telling me that the venue had changed locations and I ended up traveling from Coquitlam to Richmond and back to Coquitlam again in rush hour but did make it just in time to get signed in and setup for the show.
So now it's off to bed for me and hopefully I can get at least a few hours of restful sleep before tomorrow...
Here we are just 2 days out from the Popeye's Fall Classic at the Hard Rock Casino here in Vancouver BC. Not a crazy day but still lots to get done...
I started things out with my morning 3+ mile walk with Sammy my good boy, of course I also had to get some work done in the afternoon, then I went and did a 1.5 hour workout followed by a quick stand up tan. Then I picked up the kids from school followed by some posing practice at home. After the posing I had a quick shower and then my wife and I took Jordan our daughter along with her friend to a haunted house and corn maze in Chilliwack. This took about 3 hours in total which gave my wife and I a little bit of time to go for a second shorter walk.
Once at home I had a second exfoliating shower so I could apply my spray on tan. I then did some more posing practice for about 45 minutes followed by my late night snack. What will tomorrow bring?