How to Get the Most Out of Your TRT

After making a few videos on TRT, I now get a lot of questions about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, how to approach your doctor, where to get TRT, how much to take and what else can you take to compliment your Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Your doctor is going to be the best person to help you manage your TRT and make sure to keep you healthy along the way so in most cases your doctor is not going to add in anything other than perhaps HCG and/or an Estrogen blocker, some clinics may prescribe HGH (Human Growth Hormone). All that said there are always going to be those out there wanting to get a little bit more boost out of their TRT so what options are there that will not mess up what you are already accomplishing with your doctor and TRT Program?
Before I get into all of this, remember I am not a doctor or specialist on the subject nor is any of what I am going to say in this article even real advice or information on the subject. The following information is simply for entertainment purposes. While I am rambling on about the disclaimers I may as well mention that SARMs are not for human consumption and are only intended for testing purposes and under no circumstances should any human take SARM's. You may buy them and force them on your lab animals if you chose to do so...
OK so let's begin. If you are already on a TRT Program and have a doctor assisting you with this or even if you are self managing your own TRT Program, you still may want to get a little more out of your TRT. How can you do this without disrupting already managed Testosterone levels? What I mean is you don't want to take some other PED (steroid) that could mess things up.
My personal opinion if you are already happy with how the Testosterone Replacement Therapy is going and want to keep all of that on track is to look at a few of SARMs options that will help you get the most out of your Testosterone Replacement Therapy without interfering with it. All of this is figurative and theoretical since SARMs are not made for human consumption!
First on my list would be MK-677 (Ibutamoren)
Technically not a SARM but rather a secretagogue. Increases Growth Hormone by making the body produce its own Human Growth Hormone. Watch my Video on MK-677. The benefits of MK-677 are an increase and persevere muscle loss especially in a caloric deficit. Decrease body fat. Increase bone density. Improve cognitive function. Slow the aging process. Speed up the healing processes. Help you sleep better and increase REM sleep.
Next you may want to add in some YK-11 (Myostatin Inhibitor) as YK-11 is claimed to reduce Myostatin in the body which allows the muscles to keep growing beyond their genetic disposition.
Lastly I would consider SR-9009 (Stenabolic) otherwise know as exercise in a pill! SR-9009 speeds up your metabolism, improves endurance, prevents muscle wasting, helps with recovery, reduces cholesterol levels and can even reduce blood pressure.
All of these options do not mess with you sex hormones and will not shut your body down or interfere with your TRT Program. In fact you Testosterone and Estrogen levels should not change at all on any of these SARMs I have listed.
SARMs for Research Purposes in Canada
Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the US