Project Tree Trunks Update Video

I would have to say that in Classic Physique my weakest body part is going to be my legs, it's not that I have small legs but rather the guys competing in Classic Physique simply have kind of big legs, bigger than the guys back in the actual Classic days like Arnold that had decent legs for sure but nothing like the bodybuilders stepping on stage today.
I's not that I don't work my legs just as much or as hard as my upper body, perhaps it may be my age? As guys get older our legs seem to not respond as well to training at least in terms of size, now at 51 I feel m y legs are fairly strong in comparison to my upper body and not even that unbalanced in size but to be comparable to the Classic Physique guys I stand beside I will have to bring them up to be competitive so here we are today...
My plan is to train legs every workout day which for me is 6 days a week, I will incorporate 3 compound movement days that will consist of either a squat, deadlift or Leg press of some sort, between these compound improvement days I will incorporate isolation exercises like leg extensions and curls and modified versions of these exercises.
A few years back I trained shoulders in a similar manner hitting them every time I stepped into the gym, not super hard every workout but atleast hitting them in some way every workout and low and behold they grew!
Right now my upper thighs are 23.75 inches in my left leg and 23.5 inches in my right leg. My plan is to remeasure them every month and see what the tape measure tells us. Hopefully we see monthly improvements.