Deadlift PR of 453 pounds at 194 Pounds Body Weight.
I am kind of going against everything I have said about how I have been training these days and yes for the most part I do not go under 5-6 reps minimum to keep away from injuries. But sometimes in the heat of the moment when everyone else is going for it, you just get drawn into it and have to go for it...
Anyways, yesterday we where doing heavy Deadlifts over at CrossFit Langley with 5 sets of 5 reps increasing the weight with each set. Well we got up to 403 for 5 reps on our 4th set and then the boys wanted to put the weight up to 453 pounds for a set of 5, I knew that was not going to happen for me but I thought I would give a single a try and see how it felt, any problems and I was not going to force it.
My first try was a fail , juts did not feel good off the floor so I bailed right away on it. A few minutes later and attempt number 2... It came up nice and never stopped till I locked out at the top easy, back kept straight all the way up and felt good during and after. There may even be some more left on the table for another day...