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Entries in Deadlift (23)


Still Hitting Those PR's - Always Pushing Forward.

I haven't shared a PR (Personal Best or Personal Record) with you guys in a while and probably because I rarely go for any singe rep PR's since for me at my age it is a bit risky in terms of getting an injury and what's the point really, just so I can say I bench "X" amount of weight.

I prefer to measure my Personal Bests with how many reps I can do at a certain weight and usually that weight is more than many people my age can even do 1 reo for, not to brag but just to put it all in perspective.

So here are a couple Rep PR's I got in the last couple of days:

Yesterday was Deadlift day and I was not into it at all starting out but as we progressed with the workout I was starting to feel pretty good and the weight was moving well. We had programmed reps of 5 starting out at 225 pounds and working our way up sticking to 5 reps per set. Here is how it turned out... 

  • Set 1 - 225x5
  • Set 2 - 275x5 Reps
  • Set 3 - 313x5 Reps
  • Set 4 - 363x5 Reps
  • Set 5 - 403x5 Reps
  • Set 6 - PR of 453x8 Reps

We also programmed in 5 Strict pull-ups in-between sets and finished off with 3 rounds of straight leg Barbell Deadlifts at 225 pounds x 10 reps again with 5 pull-ups in-between. View my Heart Rate Info for this workout!

My next PR was today in Bench Press, again I generally refrain from going under 3-5 reps at a time since it usually leads to a peck or shoulder injury but my bench has been getting stronger so today we did our warmup and then loaded 245 pounds on the bar for 4 sets of max rep Bnech Press. I was kind of surprised at my results!

  • Set 1 - 245x14 Reps
  • Set 2 - 245x14 Reps
  • Set 3 - 245x13 Reps
  • Set 4 - 245x12 Reps
  • Total of 53 Reps for 4 sets at 245 pounds

At the end of the workout I performed three rounds of what I call Fly-Presses, this is where I start out doing Dumbbell Chest Flies and then switch to Dumbbell Bench Press. I used 50 pounds per arm for 8-10 reps per set per movement. View my Heart Rate Info for this workout!


Deadlift PR 407 Pounds x 15 Reps - at 199 Pounds Body Weight

It's been a while since I went for a Deadlift PR, for the last while I've been working more on volume when doing deadlifting, sticking with a bit lower weight but doing tons of sets and reps. Today I wanted to see if this work method is equivolating into any strength gains and it seems it has.

Today's workout was a short warmup with our first working set being 225 pounds x10 reps, next we ramped up to 275 pounds x10 reps, this was followed by a third set at 325 pounds x10 reps, ending with our last all or nothing set at 407 pounds of which I managed to pull 15 reps. Keep in mind this is a little over double my body weight so I was really pleased with the results.

I generally struggle with getting the weight off the ground and usually finish the top part of the deadlift strong, but I now feel like things are evening out and my pull off the ground is much better.

Click this link to checkout this Deadlift PR workout as recorded by my Garmin Vivo Active Fitness tracker and see my heart rate and calorie expenditure.


Finally Broke my Deadlift Rut and got a new PR of 473 Pounds x5 Reps

The camera was not rolling, but to be honest I have not been that confident with my Deadlift these days and have been having trouble even lifting some of my old PR Weights so recording today's session was not in the agenda ;)

Today at my CrossFit Gym we where doing 5x5's and I felt good at all the weight increases so when we loaded the bar up with 473 pounds I was excited and nervous at the same time. I recently watched a YouTube video by MattDoesFitness where Matt had some tips about getting past his Deadlift Rut where he had a similar problem as me getting the weight to move off the ground. Once I get the bar started and the weight a few inches off the ground I generally have no problems finishing my Deadlifts. Matt had a similar hiccup so I took his advice to heart and it seemed to make all the difference for me.

Now 473 pounds didn't just jump off the ground for me but it did come up nice and even and keep in mind this should not have been a PR Deadlift day for me since I am cutting for my fitness competition and I am already down a few pounds, I weighed in at 190 pounds this morning! Perhaps my goal of 500 pounds is very close if I don't lose too much more weight too quickly :)


450 Pounds x8 Reps Dead Lift Personal Best - 46 Years Old at 192 Pounds

Sorry, but this time I didn't have my camera rolling so no video, you will just have to take my word for it :) I wasn't really sure how I was going to do repping out at 450 pounds. In the past I have done as many as 5 reps so getting an additional 3 was significant. My goal is to hot 500 pounds for a single so I should be really close now.

Hopefully my next video will be me deadlifitng 500 pounds!


Full Week of Workout Videos - Thursday Legs - Deadlifts CrossFit

47 minutes - 582 Calories - Average Heart Rate 145 - Max Heart Rate 192.
Location: CrossFit Langley

Warmup & Mobility

  • Deadlift - 225 lbs x8 reps (Legs & Back)
  • Deadlift - 315 lbs x8 reps (Legs & Back)
  • Deadlift - 365 lbs x8 reps (Legs & Back)
  • Deadlift - 405 lbs x11 reps (Legs & Back)
  • 5 Rounds
  • 8 Straight Leg Deadlifts with 65 lbs each arm
  • 10 Ab Rolls
  • 5 Pull-ups