Carnivore Diet Update Video 1.5 Weeks

It's been about 1.5 weeks since I started trying out the "Carnivore Diet" and to be honest it is only getting better for me as I go... Stomach bloat is gone, energy is up and consistent all day even during workouts. I feel like I am holding a lot less water everywhere, my mood is good in general probably since I usually feel content and not hungry. Cravings for sweets and carbs is not a problem. I also feel like my body is tightening up and getting a bit leaner even though I am not on much of a calorie deficit.
The jury is still not in, it's only been a very short trial so far but I will be committed to this diet for at least a full month. Some small exceptions I have made to make things a bit more compliant to my lifestyle are the following. I do add some spices that will have some vegetable products in them. I do have some rye whiskey (0 carbs) in my diet coke so yes some artificial sweeteners but I am trying not to have a lot of them. I am also using a bit of hot sauce an mustard since both are super low carb and low calorie. I also have included some high fat dairy products like butter, cheese and cream but this is generally OK on the Carnivore Diet since they come from animals.
I look forward to the rest of this month to see what the full effects of a month on the Carnivore Diet will do for me...