Stage Video - WC Iron Vancity Showdown

A big thanks to ReyRey from 6 Weeks Out for getting my Stage Video to me. So without further ado here it is with a little bit of commentary...
A big thanks to ReyRey from 6 Weeks Out for getting my Stage Video to me. So without further ado here it is with a little bit of commentary...
I got my Stage Photos and in a very timely manner, thanks to Ali Sohrab founder of Iamalfa! So I thought I would share some of them with you and while we take a look at them I add a little bit of my commentary to fill you in on my impressions on the posing and how everything went, how I compare to the other athletes and what I need to improve.
Bellow are some photos to get an idea of what you will see in the video...
Overall I would have to say this years Wescoat Iron Vancity Showdown was a win for me personally even though I may not have placed exactly where I wanted to. I always go into these shows with only one expectation. That is to come as prepared as I possibly can with a game plan in place and if I get on that stage having succeeded in my plan and showing up the way I wanted to then it is already a win for me.
This year that is exactly what happened, my prep went really well and I feel I was able to get in if not the best shape I have ever been in, then for sure as good as past shows where I nailed it. On top of that I had no injuries leading up to this show and no issues with my health. My body felt great and responded great to everything I threw at it including some pretty crazy amounts of carbs without having any negative effects like spilling over or bloating up after the show.
Perhaps I will make a another video on what the future holds for me since right now that is uncertain and I like to give things a bit of time before I make any plans moving forward...
Follow along with me from start to finish Contest Day of the Westcoast Iron Vancity Showdown! Sorry no actual show photos or video since this was a closed show only available via a live stream to view. I did purchase stage photos and video of my performance and will make a video for each of those when they are available to me at a later time.
How did I do? Well you'll have to watch to find out, no spoiler alerts, I can say it was a very credible show with some very high level competitors, it was no cake walk and every show the competition seems to get better and better as the sport progresses and becomes more popular.
Only one more day to go before I once again step on stage with the youngsters in Open Class at the West Coast Iron Vancity Showdown. Today was all about getting a ton of carbs into my body while getting as much posing practice in as possible to workout any of last minute details.
I even get to have a lettuce wrapped Red Robin Burger with a side of fries tonight with the family! All in all I feel like I may in fact be bringing my best version ever even at 51 years old. Who would have thought? I know that if someone is going to better me out there than they will have needed t work hard for it because I will have not made it easy for them... May the most prepared person walk away with the victory!