Get Fit Over 40 Update Video - Bootcamp and Posing Class

Sorry for not posting anything recently, I have been a bit busy with life in general, I was actually away in Las Vegas for the SHOT Show. I go every year for my other YouTube Channel (Replica Airguns), to checkout the new Airgun related products.
So what's been happening lately? I am down about 5 pounds, not even really sure how it happened, I think it may be just the change from crappy holiday food switching back over to cleaner normal eating? I was up and over 200 pounds sitting around 202-203 for a while and now I am more or less around 196-197 which feels a lot better to be honest.
I have also started doing some CrossFit/Bootcamp classes, my wife purchase a 1 month membership to Bootcamp Effect also know and BEfit, they are located pretty close to me here in Langley and this has been my first week so it's been a bit tuff. I will have made it to 5 classes this week but keep in mind I am also still doing my weight training 4 days per week so this week I have trained 9 times!!! I am a bit beat up to say the least but I am finding the sustained cardio I get during the Bootcamp CrossFit style workout is a nice change and will help my overall fitness.
The last piece of news is I will be hitting a Posing Seminar this Saturday put on by the BCABBA Organization and I hope to pick up some posing tips for my next show and also take some video to share with everyone.