NeriumAD Age Defying Treatment Initial Thoughts - How to look Younger and Better

I am going to be making a new category here on the Website and also a new Playlist over on my YouTube Channel specifically for stuff that is not so much related to fitness and health but rather aging and looking better. I am going to call it "How to look Younger and Better". I will be covering things that would be in areas like: Anti-Aging, Hair, Skin, Tips & Trick, pretty much anything that I would like to pass on to help others look as good as they can. Of course this will be coming from a guys perspective but there is a crossover for both guys and girls with some of the topics.
First off, I am reviewing a new Anti-Aging skin cream called NeriumAD from a company called Nerium International, this fairly new skin care product line has shown to produce very drastic improvements in skin quality by using an extract called NAE-8 derived from the Nerium Oleander Plant. The Nerium International website has some very impressive before and after photos showing some great results.
Overall at 45 years of age I am happy with my skin health but I do find under my eyes to be a problem spot for me, and this area makes me look tired and older than I feel, especially in the mornings as I suffer from under eye puffiness. I'm hoping that NeriumAD will help smooth this area out so that it matches the rest of my face, and the age that I feel.
During my research I came across a Television report conducted by CBS Los Angeles where they went into the report rather apprehensively. After CBS Los Angeles had two of their own people try the NeriumAD product for themselves, the two individuals wanted to keep using it and even start promoting it on their own since NeriumAD does have a "Multi-level" marketing system in place.
Yes I know what many of you are already thinking, it's "multi-level" stay as far away as possible! Personally, I don't care how a company decides to market their products, if it works then that's all that matters. I have been using Shaklee products for over 20 years and love the stuff and yes they too are multi-level!
Right now I don't know if NeriumAD Age Defying Treatment actually does what it claims but I am going to find out. I will be taking pictures every week for the first month and if all goes well will continue on with NeriumAD and take photos every month for a total of three months to see what the final results will be.
I may even become an independent distributer if I like NeriumAD and see positive results for myself? So stay posted as Nerium International is rolling out the Canadian program by starting with BC and Ontario first, launching April 21st 2014. I've signed up for the pre-launch for now since that is all I can do. If you are in BC or Ontario and want to sign-up for the Nerium Canada pre-launch you can do so by clicking on this link :)
- My Nerium landing page is:
- My ID Number: 6739205
Watch my YouTube Preview Video of with my initial thought on NiriumAD: