DJI Neo Versus DJI Avatar 2 is it Even Fair?

First off, DJI did not sponsor this video in any way, the bucket full of cash required to buy these items was all on me… So you are getting my real views and opinions here.
I have previously owned the HoverAir X1 which is a lot like the DJI Neo in terms of both their autonomous flight abilities. I also owned the DJI Avatar 1, but sold it a while back. So I would say I have some personal experience with these types of drones and what they are really designed to do.
As the title of this video questions, is it a fair shootout comparing the DJI Neo to the Avatar 2? Yes and no. Both can do things that the other can not do as well or even at all. The DJI Neo is super small and compact and doesn’t even require any regulations while the DJI Avata 2 is almost 4 times the weight of the Neo and because of this, regulations can become a factor in flying it.
What can they both do:
They can both fly using the DJI Goggles 3 with your choice of either a DJI Motion Controller or the DJI FPV Remote Controller. This allows for a first person flight experience in the DJI Goggles akin to flying a jet fighter.
They both have GPS which is a nice safety feature if the drone goes out of range as it will go into return to home mode and generally fly back to you.
They both can be flown in various modes, normal, sport and manual which allows the user to fly within their given ability and be able to also unlock the full potential of each drone.
What can the DJI Avata 2 do that the DJI Neo can not?
It’s not so much a specific thing, but more that the DJI Avata 2 is just so much better at what it can do over the DJI Neo.
The camera is a huge upgrade on the DJI Avata 2 with a massive improvement in image quality, the DJI Neo is fine for recording your experiences in the moment but you will not want to use the DJI Neo for professional quality videos.
The DJI Avata 2 is just bigger and more powerful, which means it can go much faster and react to controller input much quicker allowing for more dynamic and stable video. The DJI Avata 2 is not effected by wind nearly as much and so because of this it allows you to fly it in more weather conditions.
The DJI Avata 2 Has better range not only because the specifications say so, but because it can fly faster and has a longer battery life allowing you to get out further before your battery life runs down to the point where you have to come back. This means you are able to get those shots where physically being there is not an option.
What can the DJI Neo do that the DJI Avata 2 can not?
The biggest differed between the DJI Neo and the Avata 2 is the fact that the DJI Neo can fly in an autonomous mode that uses AI and programming to perform various flight modes by simply pushing a button on the drone and having it take off in your hand. No need for a controller or even your phone. This is great for capturing life as it happens with almost no prep time involve. Just take the DJI Neo out of your pocket, pick a flight mode and press a button, the DJI Neo will either zoom out, fly in a circle around you, follow you, track you, and a bunch more cool options.
On top of that the DJI Neo does not require a physical DJI controller to fly it in manual mode, you can use the DJI Fly App and view the camera on your phones screen along with using virtual control sticks on your phone to fly the DJI Neo up to 60 meters away and 60 meter high which is a decent range using just the WiFi on your phone.
The DJI Neo only weighs around 130 grams which means it does not have to follow any drone regulation so no drone license required or other limitations standard drones have to follow.
The DJI Neo is the best way to buy into the DJI Echo System, as the cost is only $199 US or $249 Canadian for the DJI Neo Drone and included battery which is all you need to get started. The DJI Avata 2 will set you back around $1000 US or $1300 Canadian as you will need at least the Goggle and a controller to fly it.
I personally think you should get both, especially if you plan on getting the Goggles and a Controller with your DJI Neo. In that case just buy the DJI Avata 2 package that includes everything, and then pickup a DJI Neo as you will now already have the DJI Goggles and a Controller that is compatible with the DJI Neo.