Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - Show Day

A bit late on getting this Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 video out but here it is...
The evening of Show Day I had planned on recording dinner but we went out with another couple and I felt it was best to not invade on their privacy. After dinner followed drinks at a friends followed by not feeling so great the next day (Sunday). The plan was to do my short recap on Monday but we had one of the worst rainfalls and storm in probably forever here in the Lower Mainland of BC Canada and so we had no power all day but at least we where fortunate to not get flooded out like many people did here in Fraser Valley.
Excuses aside now so how did it go? Well I got 3rd place out of 8 guys in Men's Open Physique which I felt was really great considering my super short 2 week prep and the fact that most of the guys as per usual where half my age. The top two looked fantastic and the number one guy got the overall prize so my competition was on their game.
In Men's Open Classic Physique I placed 4th out of 4 guys but as per usually I was down about 20 pounds on all of them and I would say the top two had both size and great conditioning so hard for a guy my size to complete with them. I do have to say I felt I had a bit of an edge on the 3rd place winner as I felt my conditioning was better and perhaps my overall shape was more conducive to Classic Physique but I will have to wait on the photos and videos to really get a better idea on that one...
I will be making another video on my overall impressions about the show and what my plans are for the future...