Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 4 Days Out

On one hand I am super happy I am now only 4 Days Out from the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic since I am pushing myself so hard and there is only so long I can keep it up before my body says nope we are done now :)
But on the other hand a bit more time may be needed to get into the shape I really want to be in for the show. I am hoping I am able to accomplish more than I think in these last few days of hard dieting and busy activity...
Right now it is all about eating as little as possible and being as active as I can. Yesterday I only ate around 1200 calories yet I burned close to 1700, combine that with a BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) of around 2000 and that puts me in about a 2500 calorie deficit. If I can keep that up Today, Wednesday and Thursday that will accommodate a 3 pounds of fat weight loss in 4 days. Friday will be carbup day!
My mind is for sure playing tricks on me especially since I am so depleted and flat that even though I lost weight the last couple of days I actually look less defined since I have zero muscle fullness right now. I have to keep this in mind as I will not have that muscle fullness again until I carb back up.
In this video I go over my day focusing on what I eat and I am doing for exercise.
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