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Entries in Road to the Vancouver Open and Pro Qualifier (13)


Vancouver Open Show Stage Photos

No narration in this video, just some background music to set the mood a bit, they are not really in too much of an order other than they are some of my favorite photos from the ones I received and start off with Men's Physique and end with Classic Physique.

They are a mix of the morning pre-judging and evening awards shows but it is hard to tell the difference really all that much. Maybe I was a smidge fuller in the evening show?


Vancouver Open Show Video

Review of Vancouver Open Video:
  • The video quality was good but not super high quality (1080p), as it was 6 hours long.
  • My body conditioning was good but my size was not on par with the other competitors or other shows I have done.
  • There are some areas that can be improved for sure.
Classic Physique 45+ Competition Analysis:
  • Participated in the Classic Physique 45+ competition with three others.
  • Thought I was the most conditioned but the winner had better size and conditioning.
  • I was pleased with my conditioning and third-place finish.
  • Felt I should have perhaps gotten 2nd place based on what I saw.
  • The judges prioritized size over conditioning, 2nd place was not that well conditioned in my opinion.
  • The winner displayed a balanced physique with well-developed legs and upper body and good conditioning.
Men's Physique Open and 40+:
  • Participated in two categories: Men's Physique 40+ and Men's Physique Open.
  • Secured third position in the Men's Physique Open category.
  • Did not place in Men's Physique Masters 40+ (got 4th).
  • Again size was awarded over conditioning, I was in my opinion the most conditioned on stage.
  • My posing did let me down a bit and also the shoulder issue I was dealing with which was a big part of it.
Shoulder Impingement Issue:
  • You can see I drop my shoulder a bit on my right side and it is hard for me to get it into the correct position.
  • I have had a shoulder impingement that affects my posing and overall balance for some time now after an injury going back several years.
  • I did train the affected shoulder more intensely to compensate for the issue but the imbalance was still present.
Other Areas I Need to Work On:
  • Abs could be tighter while posing.
  • Chest and back size needs to come up and of course shoulders, Arms and legs held their own compared to the rest of my shape for this show.
  • Posing always needs to improve.
Prejudging Versus Awards Show:
  • I was for sure much fuller for the awards show as I got more needed carbs into me.
  • My body handled carbs very well with my improved health, so I need to eat a lot more carbs now to carb up fully, lesson learned.
  • I may have placed better if I was fuller n the prejudging section of the show.
What I Liked About What I Brought to the Show:
  • My conditioning was as good if not better than most of the other competitors.
  • I am very satisfied with my overall balance and proportions, I just need to add another 10 pounds of muscle overall.
  • My Classic Physique posing transitions where improved for this show.
  • Leg balance is usually an issue but leg balance was about right for this show.
Chose to Compete with Younger Competitors:
  • I moving down a couple classes to avoid competing alone.
  • In Men's Physique I went from 55+ down to 40+, also competed in Open.
  • In Classic Physique I went from 55+ down to 45+.


Vancouver Open Post Show Thoughts

Now that's the Vancouver Open is all over, what are my thoughts on how everything went? Did I meet my expectations? Was there more I could have done? How did I compare to the other guys on stage and was I perhaps at a disadvantage as I am restricted to an actual TRT dose rather than a bodybuilder dose? Can I even be competitive under these circumstances? Does it even matter since this was a personal goal to get back to the stage and at the end of the day, that is exactly what I accomplished so I would say it was a major victory if only a personal one...

What is next for me? I am not even really sure, but health will always be priority number one, followed closely by quality of life. I am a bodybuilder that lives a bodybuilder lifestyle, this can put some strain on the body but it also brings with it positive health impacts. It is about finding that perfect balance, and that is what I plan to do.


Show Day Vancouver Open

Show Day! What all the hard work is for, It's not about where I place, well at least for me this time around but rather, did I accomplish what I set out to do? My goals where simple this time around, firstly, to make it to the stage without compromising my health in any way. If health concerns arose then my plan was to shut things down.

My other goal or focus for this show was on conditioning oversize as I knew bring a lot of size to this show (as I am limited to a very low dose of TRT - 60mg per week) which keeps me in terms of muscle building ability on par with what a natural athletes should be able to accomplish. Keep in mind I am not able to compete in a natural show due to the fact that I am taking synthetic testosterone which is not allowed in natural shows even when prescribed by a doctor.

So here I am competing with guys taking body builder levels of gear while I am limited to a very conservative replacement therapy dose of Testosterone. It is what it is and I knew that going into this show and so my expectations where in line with my limitations.

I will be making a full video going over my thoughts on the show and what my plans are moving forward from this experience. I can say I am extremely pleased with how my body dealt with the stress of preparing and competing in a bodybuilding show. The additional exercise, hard dieting and then the incredible demand right before and after the show where I need to manipulate food and macros in a way that is not healthy to say the least. My body took it all in stride and didn't even flinch. I can not remember a show where I felt as good during prep and all the demands put on it during the show.

Oh ya, I also got a third place in both Men's Open Physique and Masters Classic Physique 45+. There where only 4 people in each of these classes and they all looked really good so third considering my limitations going into this show I feel is a good result.

I don't have any photos or video just yet but will post them when I do have them so stay posted.


1 Day Out - Almost There - Vancouver Open

The time has gone by so fast in this contest prep to get to the stage foe the Vancouver Open and the work is done other than just trying to fine tune my water and fullness for show day by ramping up the carbs and filling in from a very depleted state.

No matter what happens tomorrow I will be OK with it as a little over a year ago I was not sure if I would even be a part of this world anymore. The idea of doing a show was the furthest thing from my mind, I just wanted to survive and be around for my family and be able to be a somewhat productive person for myself and the people in my life.

Well my excitations have been surpassed beyond belief, and this contest prep has solidified that in my mind, I am not only back to a state of good health but I feel better than I have can remember going back even into my teens and early 20's. Nothing short of a miracle had been bestowed upon me and I am thankful.

So what does this video compose of mainly? Some eating, some exercise, some grooming and preening, some contemplation about life and this journey in particular, Some self doubt but not too much...