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Vancouver Open Show Video

Review of Vancouver Open Video:
  • The video quality was good but not super high quality (1080p), as it was 6 hours long.
  • My body conditioning was good but my size was not on par with the other competitors or other shows I have done.
  • There are some areas that can be improved for sure.
Classic Physique 45+ Competition Analysis:
  • Participated in the Classic Physique 45+ competition with three others.
  • Thought I was the most conditioned but the winner had better size and conditioning.
  • I was pleased with my conditioning and third-place finish.
  • Felt I should have perhaps gotten 2nd place based on what I saw.
  • The judges prioritized size over conditioning, 2nd place was not that well conditioned in my opinion.
  • The winner displayed a balanced physique with well-developed legs and upper body and good conditioning.
Men's Physique Open and 40+:
  • Participated in two categories: Men's Physique 40+ and Men's Physique Open.
  • Secured third position in the Men's Physique Open category.
  • Did not place in Men's Physique Masters 40+ (got 4th).
  • Again size was awarded over conditioning, I was in my opinion the most conditioned on stage.
  • My posing did let me down a bit and also the shoulder issue I was dealing with which was a big part of it.
Shoulder Impingement Issue:
  • You can see I drop my shoulder a bit on my right side and it is hard for me to get it into the correct position.
  • I have had a shoulder impingement that affects my posing and overall balance for some time now after an injury going back several years.
  • I did train the affected shoulder more intensely to compensate for the issue but the imbalance was still present.
Other Areas I Need to Work On:
  • Abs could be tighter while posing.
  • Chest and back size needs to come up and of course shoulders, Arms and legs held their own compared to the rest of my shape for this show.
  • Posing always needs to improve.
Prejudging Versus Awards Show:
  • I was for sure much fuller for the awards show as I got more needed carbs into me.
  • My body handled carbs very well with my improved health, so I need to eat a lot more carbs now to carb up fully, lesson learned.
  • I may have placed better if I was fuller n the prejudging section of the show.
What I Liked About What I Brought to the Show:
  • My conditioning was as good if not better than most of the other competitors.
  • I am very satisfied with my overall balance and proportions, I just need to add another 10 pounds of muscle overall.
  • My Classic Physique posing transitions where improved for this show.
  • Leg balance is usually an issue but leg balance was about right for this show.
Chose to Compete with Younger Competitors:
  • I moving down a couple classes to avoid competing alone.
  • In Men's Physique I went from 55+ down to 40+, also competed in Open.
  • In Classic Physique I went from 55+ down to 45+.

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