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Entries in Daily Workout (136)


Best Overall Workout Split and Program For Muscle Gains and Strength

First of all, thanks to all those that gave me their feedback about what video content they would like to see from me in terms of Health and Fitness Videos!

There where some really good recommendations for sure. One reoccurring idea was "Workout Program Suggestions". Things like Workout Splits, Sets and Rep Ranges, Types of Exercises, Workout Frequency... These are just some of the questions that if I could sum them all up into one Video would be a video talking about how to best use your time in the gym to get the most out of your strength training workout.

Now we all have very different goals in terms of why we strength train. For some people that will be for powerlifting, or maybe bodybuilding, or perhaps to help build strength for a sport you may be a part of. I think in general most people strength train or weight train simply to build muscle and get stronger so not only do they look better, but also feel better and be able to do more physically in real life.

No matter what your reasoning is, the goal when going to the gym should be to get the most out of your valuable time. I would say most people I see at the gym are not seeing their full benefits usually because they are going through the motions basically doing the same workout over and over again, and not pushing that little extra bit it takes to take things to the next level. So essentially they are at best maintaining what they have.

If you are happy with the results you are currently getting from your weight training, then don't change a thing until those results are no longer happening. If you are not happy with your current results, than you will have to change what you are doing to see positive results again. That usually means a program change that involves either more weight being lifted, more reps or more sets. So more volume of weight total being lifted during the entire workout. This usually will require that you track your workouts so you can compare past workout efforts to current workout efforts.

In this video I also talk a lot about how best to optimise your workout program in terms of my favorite workout body part splits, how often to hit each muscle per week, and how many days per week to weight train for best results.


Workout at Strength Camp Langley

I haven't posted a workout video in a while so I thought I would play around with my Insta360 One R and see how well it would do in this type of workout situation, The lighting was a bit dark in the area I was doing Walking Lunges so I did get a lot of noise with it but it worked rather well on the other side of the gym where the lighting is much better. I love the ability to manually zoom and pan the 360 video after the fact to make it look like I have my own custom video person.

In this workout at Strength Camp Langley I performed a full body workout only using 4 basic exercise consisting of 4-6 sets with rep ranges around 8-15. I started off with Walking Lunges for legs getting up to a weight of 135 pounds on the Barbell, I then did various Shoulder Raises (Front, Side, Rear) and then finished off with a Dumbbell Fly press combo for Chest. This workout took me about an hour and I burned 522 calories with an average heart rate of 140 and a max of 172. Who needs cardio!


Daily Workout - Shoulders in Hotel Gym

Weight: 176 pounds

Calorie Intake:

  • Daily Budget: 1552 Calories
  • Food Consumed: 2095
  • Exercise: -463
  • Net Calories: 1632
  • Over by 80Calories


  • Elliptical: 12 minutes
  • Weight Lifting: Chest

Daily Workout - Back with Total Gym

Weight: 176 pounds

Calorie Intake:

  • Daily Budget: 1552 Calories
  • Food Consumed: 1865
  • Exercise: -212
  • Net Calories: 1653
  • Over by 101 Calories


  • Weight Lifting: Back

Daily Workout - Chest with Total Gym

Weight: 177 pounds

Calorie Intake:

  • Daily Budget: 1565 Calories
  • Food Consumed: 1966
  • Exercise: -423
  • Net Calories: 1543
  • Under by 21 Calories


  • Elliptical: 12 minutes
  • Weight Lifting: Chest