Posts by Month

Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010


Daily Workout - Chest in Home Gym

I have been feeling a bit of weight creeping up on me lately, There hasn't been too much yard work to do and I haven't been to my MMA gym for a while as a result of a back injury and then my membership lapsing. Combine that with lots of BBQ's and summer parties that always consist of good food and drinks and it doesn't take long to put on a few extra pounds. And I even watch what I eat for the most part!

So I guess  I'm back to tracking my calories, it's something I do when I feel like I need it, I don't do it all the time just when I notice a bit of extra weight coming on.

Today I did some Chest in my home Gym:

  • Warmup: Elliptical.
  • Bench Press with Dumbells.
  • Incline Dumbbell Press Flies.
  • 3 Stage Pushups: Planche, Extended, and Regular.
  • Abs: Mixed Crunches and Leg Raises.
  • Misc. Stretching.

Total workout time: About 1 hour.


Daily Workout - Upper Body with Total Gym

It's been a bit of a different week, being away for most of it, sometimes when I don't get my regular workouts in I try to make up for it by doing a workout that hits my entire upper body. It's better than nothing and my hope is not so much to build muscle but to maintain the muscle that I have.

So today I did a fairly intense upper body workout using my Total Gym, it took a bit longer than the usualy workouts I do but I was able to hit my entire upper body, I left out my cardio at the beginning because when I do this type of workout I do it fats and get my cardio workout in while I do my resistance training.

  • Misc. Chest exercises with Total Gyms.
  • Misc. Back exercises with Total Gyms.
  • Misc. Shoulder exercises with Total Gyms.
  • Misc. Arm exercises with Total Gyms.
  • Misc. Ab exercises with Total Gyms.

Total Workout time: 1.25 hours


Daily Workout - Full Upper Body at Hotel

I managed to get a workout in today while on the road! And I got a lot done, I managed to get a 15 minute elliptical warmup in and then touch on my entire upper body including a full Ab routine. The gym at the hotel I'm staying in is small but has a nice selection of equipment.


Daily Workout - Quick One at Home

I am off to San Francisco for some work I'm doing with my Mac Video Training business. I had some time this morning to do a quick workout, it's hard to get workouts in when on the road doing business even if you plan for it, it sometimes just doesn't happen! Had enough time to do a 10 minute warmup and some arms - biceps and triceps.


Daily Workout - Trail Hike to Lake Lookout

Not my usual style in home gym workout but it was still a good one. Walking uphill for half an hour while carrying your 40 pound kid most of the way was good enough for me today. I'm up camping, so there's not too many choices when it comes to what I can do for a workout. Anyways, the view was well worth it!