Posts by Month

Entries from April 1, 2013 - April 30, 2013


Quading at Harrison Lake in British Columbia Canada

Quading is a great way to see the outdoors, get the thrill and speed of Motorsports and believe it or not... Get an awesome workout while you're at it! I can easily burn 1000 calories out quading for the day!

Quading is something I just got into this past year and it's really an all year round sport, you just need to dress for the conditions, the quads do not worry about cold or wet or mud, they just go where you point them and can do unbelievable things and get you to places you could not go to on any other vehicle.

When I'm out having this much fun I often strap my Liquid Image Camera Goggles on and capture the days events in HD Video so I can share it with others.

I was ridding my 2007 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO EFI and one of my friends was riding a 2005 Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI, my other buddy had his classic 1985 Honda ATC350X that has a conversion kit on it changing it over from the factory 3 wheeler to a modified 4 wheeler. Being that his quad is almost 30 years old it was the first one to break down on this day, losing a chain. It's all part of the adventure and so was his 1 hour tow back to the truck and trailer.

So sit back and enjoy the awesome scenery we have here in beautiful British Columbia Canada near Harrison Lake.


Fitbit Aria WiFi Weight and Body Fat Scale Review

Finally as promised I got around to doing my Fitbit Aria WiFi Weight and Body Fat Scale Review. For those that have no idea what a body fat scale is, it's a scale that not only shows you your body weight, but it also runs a small electrical current up one one leg and back down the other, by doing this it can tell your body fat content based on the electrical resistance combined with your height, age, weight and gender.

You can also program in your fitness level so that it will account for leaner more muscled body types showing you a more accurate lower body fat reading.

The Fitbit Aria also has one more very cool feature, it has WiFi built in so it can connect with your local wireless network and then take your weight and body fat readings and immediately send them to your Fitbit account online where it is saved and pushed to your other Fitbit account enabled devices like your iPhone or other Fitbit software ready smartphone.

This gives you the option of analyzing your information either using your computer and accessing the website or by launching your Fitbit App on your iOS device or Smartphone. The Fitbit software does more than just give you your Fitbit Aria scale information, you can also enter additional health information like food intake, water consumption, and daily activities. If you have a Fitbit activity tracker, then activity information like walking, running, hiking and even sleeping are transferred to your Fitbit account to give you very accurate calories burned info throughout your day.

The Fitbit Aria WiFi Scale is very smart and pretty easy to setup, once you have it connected to your wireless network and online Fitbit account, up to 8 people can be setup to it and all you need to do is step on it and it will even figure out who you are based on your weight and BMI.

I have been using my Fitbit Aria Scale for several weeks now and find that combined with information from my Jawbone Up, I am really zoning in on hitting my fitness and health goals!

Make sure to watch my YouTube Video Review for the Fitbit Aria WiFi Weight and Body Fat Scale:


Get Fit Over 40 - How To Get Great Abs

It's been a bit since I made an actual "Gym Fitness Video" and I have been wanting to make an Ab workout video for you that didn't require a Total Gym this time. I have done an Ab workout video on my Total Gym so make sure to check that one out also.

In this video I show you all of the Ab exercises I do and for the most part all you need is a bit of floor space for them so anyone should be able to do them at home. Keep in mind I only do one big set of Ab exercises after my main workout, I don't do all these Ab routines each time, just one.

As for an update on how my "Lose a few pounds" program is going... slow but steady, I am down to about 176 which is 8 pounds lower than when I started and I would have to say I have gained at least 2-3 pounds of muscle in that time so I am down about 10 pounds of fat.

Starting Point

Week 9

I know I have been promising a Fitbit Scale Product Review, I plan to do this for you next week so keep posted :)

Watch my "How To Get Great Abs" YouTube Video:



Get Fit Over 40 - Goes for Bike Ride Local BMX Track

Today I decided to bring you along with me on a bike ride, I rode about 3-4 miles to get to my local BMX Track where I took several laps and had the cameras (Sony HDR & PivotHead HD Camera Glasses) rolling for some of them to give you a 1st person ride along with me.

Biking is  a great way to burn off a lot of calories while having way more fun than doing indoor cardio equipment or even jogging, biking is also one of the best ways to build strong legs. As I get older I take it a bit easier, the last thing I want to do is break an arm right before summer, my son would not be happy if I could not ride with him as he is a big bike fan and loves going to the BMX track with me.

Hope you enjoy hanging out with me while I ride my bike...

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