Full Week of Workout Videos - Monday Legs Accessory Home

- Leg Extensions x4 sets (Quads)
- Leg Curls x4 sets (Hamstrings)
- Calf Raises x4 sets Using Inspire FT2 Smith Bar (Calves)
As many of you are aware that follow what I do here on GetFitOver40.com, I suffered a really bad calf tear about 2 months while ago while doing a 400 meter sprint and had to shut down some of my leg work in order to take care of the calf tear and let it heal up.
So for the most part to keep my leg gains, I have been doing Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, some Machine Leg Press and DB Straight Leg Deadlifts. For calves, just everyday walking around till it heals :(
I am happy to say that over the last few days I have started incorporating Squats and Deadlifts back into my workouts and feel pretty much as strong as before the calf injury. My last Deadlift workout I even managed 8 reps at 395 pounds even though the last couple reps where real grinders. Today I even PR'd a 3 rep 275 pound Front Squat so perhaps those leg extensions did me some good!
In terms of my calf rehab, my left calf is feeling really good but I do not want to ask too much too quickly so I have just started to reintroduce some calf work by doing single leg body weight calf raises to get my flexibility and range of motion back. So far so good and I'm surprised to find that my injured calf is actually keeping up fairly well with my good one so I am well on my way to a full recovery :)
Today's full CrossFit Style (Sort-of) workout focuses entirely on legs, the reason it is CrossFit Style is because I rotate through my exercises with little to no breaks and incorporate elliptical as my extra cardio, so basically the entire workout is all cardio while still getting a complete leg workout in.
I do six rounds in this workout, the first three rounds rotate between squats, calf raises and 1 minute of high intensity elliptical while the last three rounds I switch over to sets of Leg raises and Leg extensions along with my 1 minute of high intensity elliptical again. The entire workout lasted around 25 minutes so I made it a 30 minute workout by finishing up doing my last 5 minutes on the elliptical. This workout was an easy 500 calories burned with my entire lower body getting worked over while also getting a full cardio workout. That's what makes the CrossFit concept (even if not entirely strict) supper awesome!