Daily Workout - Shoulders & Punching Bag in Home Gym

I tried going to Fitness worlds today with the family and dropping the kids of with their daycare but unfortunately the daycare only went till about 1pm, so we missed it my about 4 hours :) Still no excuse to not workout. The kids already got their workout at Gymnastics today so I plopped them in front of the TV and put on my Wii Netflix channel which gave me all the time wee needed to do my workout!
- Shoulder Press with Smith Machine.
- Barbell Shoulder Flies in Three Positions: Forward, Side, Behind.
- Upright Row Raises with Pulley.
- Shoulder Shrugs with Smith Machine Straight Bar.
- Abs: Misc Crunches.
- Misc. Stretching.
- Punching bag for 10 minutes
Total workout time: About 1 hour.
Daily Workout,
Punching Bag Home Gym,
Shoulders in