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Entries in Home Gym (69)


Daily Workout - Chest & Back in Home Gym

Again I have still been at the workouts even thought they haven't been super intense, I am at least getting in and getting them done. My last two workouts I have been ramping up the weights just a bit, using free weighs and pushing a bit harder on my last set. I know it's working because I have been a bit soar afterwards. By soar I mean the healthy tenderness you get a few days after a workout.

Over the last few days I did Chest and Back, chest was mostly done using my bench with dumbbells and different incline levels, finishing off with a mix of pushups. Back was done using my universal machine and doing some pull downs with various grips and finishing off with rows.


Daily Workout - Chest - Home Gym

It's a new year and before you know it, summer will be here! Over the Holidays I didn't really do to bad, I actually didn't even gain any weight but I did lose a bit of muscle and I am assuming it was replaced with some fat, so I do have some work to do to get the muscle back on and the fat off.

My goal is simple... get in the gym and eat right. That has always worked for me!

Todays workout:

  • Bench Press with Dumbbells.
  • Incline Dumbbell Flies.
  • 3 Stage Pushups: Planche, Extended, and Regular.
  • Abs: Misc Crunches.
  • Misc. Stretching.

Total workout time: About 45 minutes.


Daily Workout - Shoulders in Home Gym

I managed to get a workout in today!!! Just got to keep plugging away and just remember winter won't last forever :)

  • Shoulder Press with Smith Machine.
  • Barbell Shoulder Flies in Three Positions: Forward, Side, Behind.
  • Upright Row Raises with Pulley.
  • Shoulder Shrugs with Smith Machine Straight Bar & Barbells.
  • Misc. Stretching.

Total workout time: About 1 hour.


Daily Workout - Chest - Home Gym - Cold & Flu Season

This year has been a tuff one for colds and flues in our family. The kids have brought home pretty much every single virus and cold from school you can imagine. They seem to not get effected too badly, but my poor wife has been getting nailed hard by them... And for me, I have faired pretty well so far, but lately they seem to be creeping up on me and doing a bit more damage. Today I feel another one coming on but I got into the gym anyways. Tomorrow it may get worse and I may have to rest it out. 

  • Bench Press with Dumbbells.
  • Incline Dumbbell Flies.
  • 3 Stage Pushups: Planche, Extended, and Regular.
  • Abs: 100 Crunches.
  • Misc. Stretching.

Total workout time: About 1 hour.


Daily Workout - Chest in Home Gym with Total Gym

Back to the Total Gym cycle. It's a nice change! Took my time today but got it done...

  • Warmup: Eliptical for 12 minutes.
  • Bench Press with Total Gym.
  • Flies with Total Gym.
  • Forward Arm Raise Flies with Total Gym.
  • 3 Stage Pushups: Planche, Extended, and Regular.
  • Abs: Seated side twists with Total Gym.
  • Misc. Lower Body Stretching.

Total workout time: About 1hour.

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