Love This little Guy - The BETAFPV Pavo Pico

Even with all the contest prep going on I really wanted to get a quick flight with one of my FPV Drones. It kind of relaxes me and allows me to get everything out of my mind for the 5 or so minutes of battery I have while I am flying around. An FPV Drone requires 100% concentration or it will end up in a tree or lost in some bushes somewhere.
I have a strange addiction to the smaller super compact FPV drones and now have a bit of a collection of them all well under 250 grams some even under 100 grams and most have digital Video System which allow me use them with my DJI Digital Goggles that have a 1080p screen. The difference in quality between an analog VTX and a digital VTX is very remarkable. This higher video quilty allows me to navigate the world I am flying in surprisingly well, with few surprise branches jumping out at me and shortening my already short flight times.
In this video I take out my BETAFPV Pavo Pico FPV which I installed a DJI Vista VTX in, this is the older DJI Digital Video system but what you see in this video is exactly what I see in my DJI Goggles while I am flying it.