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Entries in Squats (16)


Project Tree Trunks Update Video

I would have to say that in Classic Physique my weakest body part is going to be my legs, it's not that I have small legs but rather the guys competing in Classic Physique simply have kind of big legs, bigger than the guys back in the actual Classic days like Arnold that had decent legs for sure but nothing like the bodybuilders stepping on stage today.

I's not that I don't work my legs just as much or as hard as my upper body, perhaps it may be my age? As guys get older our legs seem to not respond as well to training at least in terms of size, now at 51 I feel m y legs are fairly strong in comparison to my upper body and not even that unbalanced in size but to be comparable to the Classic Physique guys I stand beside I will have to bring them up to be competitive so here we are today...

My plan is to train legs every workout day which for me is 6 days a week, I will incorporate 3 compound movement days that will consist of either a squat, deadlift or Leg press of some sort, between these compound improvement days I will incorporate isolation exercises like leg extensions and curls and modified versions of these exercises.

A few years back I trained shoulders in a similar manner hitting them every time I stepped into the gym, not super hard every workout but atleast hitting them in some way every workout and low and behold they grew!

Right now my upper thighs are 23.75 inches in my left leg and 23.5 inches in my right leg. My plan is to remeasure them every month and see what the tape measure tells us. Hopefully we see monthly improvements.


You Are Not Born Strong - You Must Become Strong

I always find it funny when people assume that a person is just born a certain way. Sometimes we just assume a person is naturally lean because they are lean most of the time, or they are naturally strong because they lift a lot of weight in the gym, or they can eat a lot of food because they have a fast metabolism.

People make these judgements or assumptions because they only see part of the picture which is the final result, they don't see how that picture became what it is, what was involved in the making of that final result.

I stay under 10% body fat all year round but that does not make me naturally lean. It takes commitment to my diet and making sure I burn plenty of calories each day with exercise. I can get fat just like anyone else.

People tell me my strength is only because I have a lot of muscle on me, did they stop to think where I got the muscle from. Was this muscle always there? Did it just magically appear overnight? Or maybe it has taken years of pushing myself at the gym way beyond where most people are comfortable to venture. Muscle is a byproduct of strength, strength is a byproduct of effort.



Tap & Go Squats at Fit4Less 360 VR Video

My plan when I bought my Samsung Gear 360 VR video camera was to be able to record some of my exercises I do at the gym when I workout. The great thing about a 360 degree VR video camera is that you don't need to worry so much about where you point it since it gets everything and allows the viewer to decide what they want to look at...

During my leg workout at Fit4Less I recorded my "Tap & Go" Back Squats getting up to 3 working sets of 315x5 reps. I had more in me but felt like being a bit conservative since the setup was not my normal one that I like to use when I am at Fitness World.


Garage Gym Workout: Squats Lunges and Deadlifts with Darren

I have been training lately with Darren, my Crossfit partner from a few years back. Darren has a nice free weight setup in his garage with a rack, bench, bars, lots of plates and some dumbbells. It's a great setup to do the classic compound movements and it's really awesome to have a partner to push me!

Darren and I are pretty close in strength and fairly close in age, I am 48 and Darren is 54. I have been wanting to show some more training session videos and so now it looks like I will be able to again :)

In this first Garage Gym Training Video we hit legs and do a variety of squats, lunges and even some straight leg deadlifts to finish off.


Box Squats - 405 x 6 Reps PR - 46 Years Old @ 192 Pounds

Another PR (Personal Best) for this old man (46)! On my quest to get a single rep back squat of 4 plates per side (405 pounds) I have been getting used to having the weight on my back by doing some heavy Box Squats. Based on the fact that I did 6 of them with 405 pounds on my back means I should be pretty close to a 1 rep 405 without the box and of course going to full depth.

In this video I setup the box height pretty close to parallel but when I go for the single I will try and get a bit more depth on it so there is no doubt that it is a good rep :) But again the idea of doing the Box Squats with the same 405 pound weight for reps is to get used to the heavy load on my system.

I also included some video of old man Darren (52) owner of CrossFit Langley doing 423 pounds for 8 reps kind of easy, if you can call 423 pound Box Squats easy that is ;)

The finish for this workout was 20 reps of regular Back Squats @ 245 pounds in as few sets as possible. I went for one big set of 20 and got it which was kind of another PR for me that day!

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