Workout Journal - Squats - 265 Pounds for 6 Reps

Still chipping away at the Squats! We all know Squats build a great but (Glutes) and chiseled Quads ;) Anyways, my last Workout Journal entry for squats was almost exactly a month ago and I did 275 pounds for 2 reps. Today at CrossFit Langley we where working on 5 sets of 5 reps increasing our weight as we went up to achieve a maximum weight 5 rep set. My goal weight was 265 pounds and I hit the 5 reps with a bit of juice still left in the tank so I did one more for good measure.
I'm not sure what my max single rep Squat is but hope to get somewhere just over 300 pounds when we do our next heavy weight Squat workout.
Here are the set weights leading up to the 6 rep 265 pound squat set:
- 5 x 135 (Warmup)
- 5 x 185
- 5 x 205
- 5 x 225
- 5 x 245
- 6 x 265
We finished up the day with a quick 6 round AMRAP of:
- 5 squats @ 135 pounds (nice and deep)
- 6 box step-ups
- 12 lunges
Video samples taken from (