Workout Journal - Squats - 255 Pounds for Three Reps

Today at CrossFit we did Squats, and I'm talking about the behind the head type sometimes referred to as Back Squats. I worked my way up to three reps at 255 pounds, previous to that I got 5 reps in at 245 pounds.
It was a great workout and me knee felt pretty good even after the heavy squats, that was till we did some skipping and I know this sounds crazy but skipping just killed my knee which seems to get irritated when I do slight bending motions. We did a Workout of the Day that consisted of Double Unders and Sit-ups working down from 50 to 40 to 30 to 20 to 10 reps. My Double Unders really suck (I tried) so I had to do three times the amount of Single Unders making my skipping sets higher in reps: 150-120-90-60-30.
After the workout the family went for a walk (dog included), and by the time I got home my knee was done :(
I think the skipping is going to have to be side lined for a while...
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