How is Your New Year's Fitness Resolution Going?

So it’s been a few weeks since you made that promise to yourself to improve your overall Health and Fitness in some way, maybe eating better or starting to working out or even better, doing both! Unfortunately life gets in the way and bit-by-bit our goals can slip away from us…
Don’t feel too bad if this has happened to you, 8 out of 10 people set a new year's resolution goal this year and for one reason or another will fail to complete it.
OK so you got off to a bit of a rough start, does that mean it’s over and so now you have to wait till next January to start over again? Of course not, January is not some mystical month, if anything January can be one of the worst months to decide to start a Health and Fitness related goal. The gyms are a mess full of people, everyone is putting all this pressure on themselves, we all tend to feel a little down in general coming of off the Christmas and New Years high, and some of us are carrying a little more end of year debt then we like plus we us are feeling the effects of all that yummy seasonal food we consumed over the holidays. Not the best conditions for success!
Let’s take a step back and figure out what may have gone wrong? Perhaps you set your goals too high setting yourself up to fail or maybe too low and haven’t seen any results which led to loss of interest? With most people one missed workout day or cheat meal leads to another and pretty soon they are back to old bad habits.
I want to talk to the people that have not given up on themselves yet, yes things are not going as planned but you are still willing to keep trying. If that’s you and you feel like what you are currently doing is not working then I would like to offer you a system that I feel will give you a fighting chance.
I normally only offer Online Personal Training to my Clients in a more conventional method where they pay me, and I offer weekly instructions on what they need to do to achieve their Health and Fitness Goals. This type of Online Personal Training works but can add up in cost month to month so, what about other options?
I want to offer something a little bit different, that I feel will be more affordable and perhaps even more successful for many people since Nutrition and Diet are key to Fitness related goals, especially when weight loss is the focus.
So rather than making payments each month for my consulting fees, I would instead put my clients on an Isagenix Health and Fitness program that is best suited to their goals and they would pay for the products they use. I know for a fact that Isagenix has helped me a great deal with meeting my own personal Fitness Goals, so I can wholeheartedly recommend Isagenix to others. Isagenix products work at a cellular level to provide your body the nutrition it needs while giving you energy even when on a calorie reduced diet. I know this from personal experience as I am required to put myself in an extreme calorie deficit when I am in contest preparation, yet during this time I still have the energy I need for my workouts when I am using Isagenix products.
I find no matter what, if you want to achieve any goal, you need to put something on the line! Investing a small amount of money along with your dedication of time will set you up better for success than just a promise to yourself.
What I am talking about here is a commitment of anywhere from $200-$400 dollars in Monthly Isagenix products while you reshape your health and Fitness life, keep in mind you are probably already spending most of that money on food and supplements that the Isagenix products will replace, so in reality you may only be spending about $100-$200 more than you already are.
Your commitment to me means I will also return my own commitment back to you by setting you up with a plan that includes the right Isagenix products combined with a basic daily meal and workout plan designed to get you to your goals. I will revisit your plan each month to make sure you are on track and adjust it as required.
The main Isagenix products we will be focusing on our the Isagenix meal replacement shakes in both standard and Pro formulas, Isagenix Protein bars and other snack related Isagenix product for between meals. Isagenix Vitamins and detox system can be added in if required, and for people looking to put on some muscle there are Isagenix workout enhancement products.
If you’re ready to succeed this time around by changing your Health and Fitness life, and you’re ready to make a small personal and financial commitment to me then let’s get started together right now and do this!