InBody H20N-B Dial Smart Body Composition Scale Unboxing Review

Several years back when I was in Anaheim California attending a TheFitExpo Convention, I visited the InBody Booth and was super impressed by their Body Composition Analysis scales. These where high end machines designed for fitness clubs and Healthier elated business as the machines here several thousands dollars to buy, not for your average home user. All the same I still wanted one but of course was not willing to shell out 5-6 thousand dollars.
That's was until I found out that InBody now has a home unit called the InBody Dial H20N-B available at a fraction of the cost of their professional units, marketed for the home user that wants to have in home Smart Body Composition data available any time any day.
The InBody Dial H20N-B is a bit hard to find for sale right now since they are so new and not even listed in Canada so I had do get mine from Ebay, but they will be available shortly over at and I will provide links when I have them.
This video is my Unboxing and First impressions of the InBody Dial H20N-B Smart Body Composition Scale. I take it out of the box, have a good look at it, show you the manual that is not in English so not much use to me, and then pair it to my Smart Phone.
My full Testing Review for the InBody Dial H20N-B Smart Body Composition Scale will be out when I have some data that I can share with everyone.