Vessyl Nutrition Sensing Drink Container - Just Take My Money

I came across a really cool product the other day called the Vessyl, in short, it's a cup, or mug, that can not only measure how much liquid you put in it, but it can also calculate exactly what that liquid is comprised of. In other words it knows what you put in to it, it can tell if you are drinking pop, coffee, juice, water, a smoothy, beer, wine and pretty much everything in-between! And on top of this it knows the calories, macros and even caffeine and alcohol content within the liquid you place in the Vessyl.
So if you are like me and you're concerned about not only the food you put into your body, but also the liquid, and you like knowing exactly how many calories, and how much protein, carbs and fat you are consuming in your beverages, then this Vessyl cup is magical!
When the Vessyl reaches the actual production stages, it will cost around $199, right now you can pre-order your Vessyl for the low coast of only $119, expected shipping time is said to be early 2015.
The real only downside I foresee with the Vessyl, is the fact that you kind of need to carry it around with you pretty much everywhere you go, but it's not super huge (holds 13 ounces / 385 ml). And if you decided you did not want to take it with you say to a fancy dinner, you can manually enter your beverages into the iOS or Android App that the Vessyl syncs to. So the option is always yours.
I think the Vessyl is a must have product for any person who is interested or concerned about the nutrition they are consuming in their beverages and as I have mentioned in many of my previous articles and videos, beverages can make up a large part of your nutrition through the day and can make either a positive or very negative effect on your diet. I kind of hope this company comes out with a similar device that you load your food into and it tells you what you the nutritional value! If they can pul, that one off, they will be taking my money yet again ;)