As we get a bit older our bodies don't always cooperate with us and one area this is common for most is where we start to store our body fat. When we are younger we generally store fat more evenly throughout our bodies but as we get older it seems to get more targeted towards our mid sections but this is not one size fits all as every body is deferent.
In this video I talk about how aging effects body fat and how this is not always bad and how to make the best of it and have more realistic expectations about our body image and life balance.
This is not a fitness video but it may help you look a bit younger or more attractive which is one reason why we try and stay in shape especially as we get a bit older. Beards have become very trendy and men both young and old are deciding to grow a beard to enhance their look. For younger men it can make them look more distinguished and for older men it can even make them look a bit younger as long as it's not too grey perhaps.
You can hide a lot with a beard, maybe a weak chin or not so angular jawline or even some jowls starting to show up as we age. I kind of feel like a beard is the great equalizer of men and if you can pull one off it may enhance your look!
For older men or even younger men starting to notice grey in their beard, their are some great options to either get all that grey out or just a little depending on how much you have and how much you want to remove. For me my beard is getting pretty grey now, I would say more grey than brown and when I grow it I feel it makes me look older in some ways so I wanted to get a good portion of the grey out but still keep it as natural looking as possible,
In this video I show you the products I am using to first reduce the amount of grey over time and then to cover any remaining grey for outings that I want to have a darker and perhaps younger looking beard.
These products are the following I showcase in this video:
This video is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be any sort of medical advice. I am not a doctor and know nothing about medicine. My only intention in making this video is to present a question for discussion in order to seek answers regarding the possibility of the SARM RAD 140 and its potential usefulness in helping men with prostate cancer that are in a treatment that reduces the Testosterone in their bodies.
Testosterone is vital for normal muscle and brain function but can also aggravate prostate cancers. My question is can a SARM like RAD 140 that simulates Testosterone in the body but is also known to not negatively effect the prostate, could RAD 140 be a substitute for Testosterone allowing for proper hormone function without the negative effects on the prostate?