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Entries in Fall Classic (3)


Road to the Vancouver Fall Classic 6 Weeks Out Posing

My last posing checkin for the Vancouver Fall Classic was 4 weeks ago and so it has been a while and I was hoping to see some visible changes. I feel like there are some changes but sometimes it does not translate to video as well... But I for sure notice the fat is slowly coming off my trouble areas (stomach & lower back) and I am down 4 pounds from a month ago sitting right around 201 pounds versus just over 205 in my last Update Posing video.

My InBody Body Composition Scale also is telling me I am down around 2% body fat (9.8%) which is again around 4 pounds of fat so this means I did not lose any muscle at this point even with the fairly hard calorie deficit over the last 4 weeks. In comparison the InBody Scale at the gym said I was 9.1% Body fat.

I need to for sure get down to 195 pounds and maybe even a bit more so that is around a pound per week which should be fairly easy to do, this will get me in the 6% body fat range which on my scale may even be less since it seems to be a bit higher than the Pro InBody Scale I use at the gym. So I may even be in the 8% body fat ranges right now!

The plan for the next two week is to stay on my same diet plan of 2000 calories per day with around a 1500 calorie deficit each day, this again is to ensure I lose at least a pound per week of fat. At 4 weeks out I will reassess and figure out if I need to stay at 2000 calories per day, go up a bit or maybe even drop calories if need be. What ever I have to do is what I will do, hunger is not important, energy a bit more important so I hope that stays good... 


Road to the Vancouver Fall Classic 10 Weeks Out

Here we are three weeks later form my 3 month out to the Vancouver Fall Classic Update Video and I have been doing everything for the most part in my game plan. Interestingly I feel like I look a bit worse in this now three weeks later video but there are some possible reason for it and at this point I am not too worried as I feel my next update video in 2 to 3 weeks will be more of an indicator of where I am at in this prep.

It's hard to shoot a video a few weeks apart and really know what's going on as there are so many possible things going on with your body, in one video I could be super dry and holding very little water and in the next I could of had too much salt the day before making me puffy and watery looking which I think is what happened in this latest update video. At this point in the game holding water really doesn't matter, in fact you don't want to be too dry! Unfortunately it doesn't make for an impressive update video where people will be shocked and amazed at the progress I have made in a few weeks time.

All I can say is my strength is up and my weight generally speaking is where I want it to be (when not holding water). My diet and training have been on point and with some small adjustments I still feel like I have the potential to bring my best overall size and conditioning to the stage for this show. Only time will tell but I can promise I will do my best to get there! 


Road to the Vancouver Fall Classic 3 Months Out

I did mention a while back that I had plans for a show in the fall and so it begins or I should say it has already begun since I have been consistently training with this goal in mind since April doing my best to stay fairly lean while adding some extra muscle before the really hard prep begins. The show I am doing is called the Vancouver Fall Classic and it looks like Popeye's is the main sponsor with many other sponsors coming to the table so I expect it to be a really good show with a decent turn out. I will be entering Open Physique and perhaps a Masters Class of some sort. Classic Physique I am not sure about but I will consider it as I get closer to the show and see how I am looking, specifically if my legs are up to the challenge.

I am currently sitting at around 205 pounds and would say I am around 11-12% body fat so I need to lose around 10 pounds of fat and would like to be come in right around 195+ pounds before I carb up and fill back in for contest day.

Over the next month my focus will be to slightly cut fat with around a 500 calorie deficit per day which should put me on track to losing around 3-4 pounds of fat for the month, I hope to add an additional 2-3 pounds of muscle so my weight should not change all that much during the next month of prep.

Heading into 2 months out the plans will be to cut a bit harder while maintaining the muscle I have gained, maybe even gaining a pound or two if I'm lucky. I will be in closer to a 1000 calorie deficit during this time which should lead to around a 6-8 pounds of fat loss but everything will be adjusted based on how I look and how I feel.

The final month before the show will be all about getting every last bit of fat off of me which means around a 1500 calorie defect which in order to achieve means with a BMR of around 2100 I need to do at least 1500 calories of exercise each day while eating around 2000 calorie of food. I have done this many times and for me this works. With this calorie deficit I can lose as much as 3 pounds of fat per week but anyone that has done this before will understand that your body does not always cooperate and your metabolism can crash.

Well that's the plan for now but it can change at anytime depending on how I look and feel along the way.