Posts by Month

Entries from August 1, 2015 - August 31, 2015


TheFitExpo Anaheim Show Coverage by

While at TheFitExpo in Anaheim I obviously took a bunch of video and some photos to share with everyone. Well I have put most of it all together into one video to share with you and in this written post I will include some additional photos.

Some of the highlights for me where the people I met there, Jef Rizzo from RizKnows being one of them! Jeff is a super great guy with a personality made for YouTube, Jeff is fearless on the floor just going up to literally anyone and making his presence know. It was really cool to watch!

I also got to meet Kali Muscle, another YouTube Icon know for his massive muscle size and usable strength, it's hard to believe guy with his muscle mass can do muscle-ups no problem!

Last year I watch the 2014 Olympia Men's Physique and saw Jeremy Buendia win the Olympia Men's Physique Competition. What an amazing accomplishment! As I am a physique competitor myself it was really exciting for me to meet Jeremy in person at TheFitExpo in Anaheim.

There where a lot of supplement companies there showing off their products in many forms from Pancake Mixes (Pumped up Pancakes), to liquid Egg Protein Drinks (Muscle Egg), to great tasting bars (RiseBar) and even Yogurt based high protein snacks (ProYo).

Some not so expected products where Men's custom underwear (2UNDR), some denim shirts made for the athletic build (Trim) and a customizable modular bed (Reverie) perfect for the hard working athlete.

I also got to do a post contest body composition test using the InBody body Composition Analyser and even though I had been eating like a horse since my Victoria Cup Men's Physique Competition wrap up, I still came in at 6.4% body fat, I wonder what I was on competition day?

Well, I was a bit sad to leave sunny California but on the other hand it was nice to come home to my family and get back to a normal routine again.

Watch my Full video showing many of my highlights for TheFitExpo Anaheim:


ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottle Review

When you are doing a workout you need to keep yourself hydrated, and sometimes you may want a protein shake afterwards, or even a snack of some sort, perhaps you just want to keep your iPod or iPhone from getting wet? Well if any of this or all of this is appealing to you then checkout the ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottle!

I guess the main thing I need to really emphasis is that the ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottle is designed to not waste that expensive protein powder you add to your shaker, you know the stuff that gets stuck in all the edges and groves of a normal ordinary shaker bottle. Well the ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottle is no ordinary shaker bottle since it has no edges or groves for anything to get stuck in, so no more wasted powders and a lot easier cleanup at the end of the day.

Some other cool features about the ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottle is that it sports a 700ml beverage area which is actually kind of deceiving since it looks smaller than that. The ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottle also has an area to store your pills and your powders. You can even use these additional compartment for all kinds of things...

Buy using Discount Code GFO40 to save 10%

Here are a few examples:

I guess at the end of the day, someone had to make a better shaker bottle! And that's exactly what ShakeSphere did, so chuck your old archaic shakers in the trash (Sorry Recycling bin) and get yourself some ShakeSphere Spherical Shaker Bottles, perhaps one for each day of the week in a different color :)

Buy using Discount Code GFO40 to save 10%


theFitExpo Anaheim with Jeff Rizzo from RizKnows

During my trip to Anaheim California where I visited theFitExpo, I also got the opportunity to spend much of the day with Jeff Rizzo from RizKnows. What a super guy, I can honestly say he is one of the best YouTube personalities out there and has a really great YouTube channel with tons of Fitness gear related information, some great workouts and even some fitness tips and hacks. Jeff is a no BS kind of guy, if he likes something he will tell you and if does not like something, well he's still going to tell you ;)

In this preview video for theFitExpo in Anaheim, Jeff and I go over some of the top products that stood out to us during the fitness show. For me it was the ProYo high Protein Ice Cream Frozen Yogurt and the 2UNDR men's underwear with built in Joey Pouch! For Jeff, some of his top picks where the RiseBar protein bars, the Pumped Up Protein Pancakes and the Reverie modular mattress system.

Of course I will be making a full show video of theFitExpo shortly...


theFitExpo Anaheim Relaxation Day VLog - GetFitOver40

Tomorrow is the first day of theFitExpo in Anaheim and we (Myself and friend Shigeru) showed up a bit early mainly because of flights and accommodation, I also wanted to be somewhat rested before walking around all day at theFitExpo show.

So what does one do in Anaheim with a day to kill? Well all kinds of stuff, first off we did a workout in the hotel, they have a functional trainer and I managed to get a pretty good upper body workout in. After that it was time fo ran early lunch so we headed to the McCromick & Schmick's Grille which is just down the street from where we are staying. I had a burger wrapped in lettuce with fries and a beer :) Yummy!

Now that the sun was out form behind the clouds we sauntered down to the pool for a few hours of relaxation and tanning, and of course some beverages to keep us hydrated... After lying around it was time for some more exercise so we put on our walking shoes and made the trip to Downtown Disney where we did some shopping and then ended up at the Rainforest Cafe for a seafood dinner which we again walked off getting back home to our hotel. According to my Garmin VivoActive I walked around 11 miles today with approximately 24,000 steps. Will be interesting to see how many steps we do tomorrow at theFitExpo show?

Aug192015 Logoed Items Have Arrived

I placed an order with my own CafePress Online Logoed Items Store so I could personally checkout the quality of the products with my GetFitOver40 Logo on them.

I have to say I am really happy, the prints look really good and the quality of the clothing and other merchandise is excellent. I did have a small problem with the logo on my zipper hoodie, my logo was not centered very well so some of it seemed to disappear into my armpit making the logo a bit hard to see while warn. I contacted CafePress support and they replied quickly giving me the option of either refunding my purchase price for the item or sending me out a new corrected hoodie.

No pressure to buy of course, you now just have the option of getting your very own Branded Merchandise and let people know that us over forty folks still know how to keep it tight!

Watch my YouTube video to see some of my Logo Merchandise up close: