What Was I Thinking? Scientific Consensus

This is the beginning of a new Series of Videos I will be making, they will all end up in their own Playlist over on YouTube called "What Was I thinking?"
I am making this new video series as I feel there is a lot going on in this cranium of mine that I can not always share with the people around me, it can be a lot to take in at times and it can get a bit dark, even for me. Over the last couple of years life for me has changed, I have become more and more aware of what is really going on in this crazy world we live in. Life for most people is mostly one distraction after another, with the intention of keeping most people doing what it is we are supposed to be doing. For everyone this can be a bit different, but in general we eat, we sleep, we work, we have friends and family we socialize with, and we go through life just repeating this every day until we die.
We are not supposed to look into things too deeply, for if we do, we may realize thoughts and beliefs that do not go along with the path we are supposed to take in society.
In this video I share my thoughts about what I call "Scientific Consensus" or simply just "Consensus". "Scientific Consensus" is simply put another way of saying "Truth you are supposed to believe". If you decide not to believe or buy into the "Scientific Consensus", then you may become a problem for the organizations that benefit from the Truth they want you to believe. And you are labeled a person that is disruptive to society and is promoting misinformation, a person that needs to be discredited or removed from any position of notoriety.