SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard Major Upgrades

I made a quick video a bit ago about my SLY-08 Electric Mountainboard I bought used to add to my fleet of PEV (Personal Electric Vehicles). I have had Electric skateboards in the past and really enjoyed them but when I bought my EUC and OneWheel I felt like the eSkateboard was a bit redundant and so I sold it.
The I went for a vacation to Oceanside California and bought an eSkateboard to get around on and remembered how fun they where. So when I got back I headed over to Facebook Marketplace and found a god deal on an Electric Mountainboard which is basically an eSkateboard Longboard but with bigger tires and wider trucks to handle more road conditions.
As is usually the case, I was not 100% satisfied with the overall power and speed so I installed a higher power battery which kind of worked but the motor control unit (ESC) was not able to utilize all the power and so the battery would only work when partially charged. OK, so more upgrades where needed to get all the juice out of the new battery! That meant a new motor controller and remote which unfortunately my first unit I bought was defective, unit number two was not defective but as is often the case the firmware did not match my remote firmware so this has complicated things as the new firmware download for my new motor controller was not downloading. I am still waiting for this firmware download from the company but I have managed to get the board working for the most part using a computer to program the old firmware.
I also got new tires and grip tape for the board along with the addition of lighting all around. It is not 100% complete but I am getting pretty close now!