One Month Off Training - New Carnivore Diet - Update Video

I have officially completed my full one month off from Weight training for the purpose of giving my body a well needed rest and also in hopes that my injured shoulder will have enough time to recover.
Today was my first workout and everything felt heavy which kind of goes along with how I feel right now, a bit puny :( That said I still have some muscle and I know my strength will return quickly but I need to ease into it this week. I also gained a bit of fat during this time from less activity. I was careful with my eating but was not super worried about gaining a few pounds of fat. overall I lost weight, about 5 pounds which leads me to think I lost close 10 pounds of muscle while gaining around 5 pounds of fat, all in a month off!
My goal over the next month is to weight 4 days per week fro at least 1 hour per day, I also plan on keeping busy with some other alternative activities on some of my non workouts days to keep the calories burning. I do not have any real expectation on what type of body composition changes will happen in the next month but I do expect to gain some muscle back while losing some fat. I mainly want to have a flexible and balanced lifestyle that I can maintain ongoing.
IN terms of my diet I am trying out the Carnivore Diet which is all the craze these days. It's kind of like the Keto Diet but with more focus on meats and less on fats with no carbs at all, so no veggie, pasta, brad, potatoes rice or sweets of any kind. You can add in some dairy if your body is OK with it.
So that's kind of what's going on with me right now, in a month we will see what kind of changes take place adn if this new Carnivore Diet works out well for me...