473 Pounds x3 Reps Dead Lift Personal Best - 46 Years Old at 192 Pounds

Watch this video and notice how hard the first rep was for me... It came off the ground super slow and I was shaking all the way up. What makes the difference between getting stronger and lifting more weight is determination and willpower! Sure I could have stopped at one rep but I already did a single rep at about the same weight a few months ago so it was time to step up my game a little!
I forgot to mention that I am still suffering from the tail end of a flue, presently cutting weight eating a no carb diet, and I am down about 7-8 pounds from a month ago. No excuses, just get the job done!
- You can see how this workout of mostly low rep heavy load Dead Lifts effected my heart rate and how many calories I burned by clicking on this link.
Dead Lift in
Workout Journal,
YouTube Video