Daily Workout - Mixed Cardio

Weight: 177 pounds
Calorie Intake:
- Daily Budget: 1558 Calories
- Food Consumed: 1868
- Exercise: -310
- Net Calories: 1558
- Under by 0 Calories
- Elliptical: 6 minutes
- Punching Bag: 6 minutes
- Walking: 30 minutes
Weight: 177 pounds
Calorie Intake:
Not much to say about todays workout, still fighting a bit of a cold that is making me feel a bit non-motivated about doing workouts, but the best thing to do is just get in the gym and start doing something...
Total workout time: About 1 hour.
The back is feeling great now, I think I was starting to get used to the regular daily pain and now that it's gone, I almost feel like I have more strength overall.
I've got another chiropractor appointment this Wednesday to see how things are but I don't feel like I need it.
Total workout time: About 1 hour.
This video shows you how to get a great cardio workout by using MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) style boxing techniques (Punching Bag Optional). I show you basic jab, cross, hook, and upper cut punching techniques that focus on feet, leg and hip movement.
Some of the exercises demonstrated are: Jab Punch, Cross Punch, Hook Punch, and the Upper Cut Punch.
All of these exercises can be done with no exercise equipment at all!
OK, today I felt a lot better and thought before my energy level dies down, I'd get in the gym for a workout. Early workouts are also a great time to for me to get some punching bag time in as it tend to make a bit of noise. (Not so good when the kiddies are in bed!)
Total workout time: About 1 hour.