Get Fit Over 40 - How To Get Great Abs

It's been a bit since I made an actual "Gym Fitness Video" and I have been wanting to make an Ab workout video for you that didn't require a Total Gym this time. I have done an Ab workout video on my Total Gym so make sure to check that one out also.
In this video I show you all of the Ab exercises I do and for the most part all you need is a bit of floor space for them so anyone should be able to do them at home. Keep in mind I only do one big set of Ab exercises after my main workout, I don't do all these Ab routines each time, just one.
As for an update on how my "Lose a few pounds" program is going... slow but steady, I am down to about 176 which is 8 pounds lower than when I started and I would have to say I have gained at least 2-3 pounds of muscle in that time so I am down about 10 pounds of fat.
I know I have been promising a Fitbit Scale Product Review, I plan to do this for you next week so keep posted :)
Watch my "How To Get Great Abs" YouTube Video:

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