Vancouver Open Show Video
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 10:51AM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Fitness Contest, Mens Physique, Road to the Vancouver Open and Pro Qualifier, Update, YouTube Video
Review of Vancouver Open Video:
Classic Physique 45+ Competition Analysis:
Men's Physique Open and 40+:
  • Participated in two categories: Men's Physique 40+ and Men's Physique Open.
  • Secured third position in the Men's Physique Open category.
  • Did not place in Men's Physique Masters 40+ (got 4th).
  • Again size was awarded over conditioning, I was in my opinion the most conditioned on stage.
  • My posing did let me down a bit and also the shoulder issue I was dealing with which was a big part of it.
Shoulder Impingement Issue:
Other Areas I Need to Work On:
Prejudging Versus Awards Show:
What I Liked About What I Brought to the Show:
Chose to Compete with Younger Competitors:

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (
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