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Road to the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic 2021 - 5 Days Out 

We are now well into Peak Week with only 5 days left before the Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic and so far the plan is progressing well. This weekend I knew was going to be tuff as I needed to stay in an aggressive calorie deficit even with some social stuff going on and no actual workout on Sunday. I did manage to get a lot of walking in on Sunday and keep my food take-in really low so over the weekend I would estimate I burned 3500 calories less than I used which would yield around a 1 pound of fat weight loss. I am currently sitting at 194 pounds so around 5 pounds under where I stated just over a week ago and I should loss another sold 2-3 pounds of fat by show time settling in just a hair over 190 before carbing up.

Carbup will be conservative and I plan to leave a little extra carbing up on show day if need be as I will probably not step on stage till around 11am-12pm based on past experiences with this type of show format. I did manage to book everything I needed to for the show on Sunday including tanning hotel stay and which categories I will be competing in (More to come on that next video).

This next 4 days is going to be harsh in terms of super low food intake and high activity but I feel really good and seeing the progress happen before my eyes almost daily is super motivating and will keep me on track.


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