CrossFit Langley - Max Shoulder Push Press Workout

It's been a while since I could go heavy on anything to do with shoulder press especially when a straight bar was involved. But I have to say my do-it-yourself shoulder rehab routine has paid off and I am almost at 100% again with my left shoulder (been doing lots of shoulder maintenance and stretching).
The actual last time I went for a 1 rep max for Push Press was way back in September of 2013, back then I did not break 200 pounds but then again I was a lot lighter and had not been training very long for strength. Even though I'm not a big fan of 1 rep maxes, I decided to see how far I could take my Push Press at Langley CrossFit. Leg drive is very important for push press and my leg strength has really come up since last year which I think has really helped me on out with my Push Press.
Well I got my Push Press right up to 245 and even made a nice attempt at 255 but fell a bit short. Still a great increase in weight and I am very happy with it.
Here is how this full workout went down...
3 Round Warmup:
- 5 Bar Push Press
- 6 Pushups
- 100m Row
Main Push Press Shoulder Workout (7 Sets):
- 135 x 5 Reps (Not Shown)
- 165 x 3 Reps (Not Shown)
- 185 x 2 Reps
- 205 x 1 Reps
- 225 x 1 Rep
- 245 x 1 Rep
- 255 x 1 Rep - (FAIL)
Metcon Tabata 20/10 (8 Rounds):
- Dumbbell Push Press (25 pounds)
- Shoulder Side Raises (20 Pounds)
- Skull Crushers
- Pushups
You can see how this workout effected my heart rate and how many calories I burned by clicking on this link.

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