CrossFit Langley Deadlift - New 383 Pound 9 Rep PR

Last year in November I did one of my last one Rep PR's (Personal Record or Best). It was for a deadlift and I did one rep at 403 pounds, at that time I was about 180 pounds. Following that PR I had several injuries, mostly small muscle tears and decided that one rep max attempts where no longer for me and so I now shoot for sets that are no less than 6 reps, or at least I shoot for no less than 6 so even if I only get 3-4 reps I am not hitting my max weight and playing it a bit safe in terms of avoiding injuries.
With all that said, I can still push myself and so in this video I take a weight that was only 20 pounds away from my one rep max and I achieved 9 reps. This tells me that I am getting stronger and this is always the goal, be better than you where yesterday, even if it's only just slightly :)
One of the reasons I feel I am getting stronger is because I have been working very hard doing a lot of weight lifting at my gym and I have been eating lots, I actually gained close to 20 pounds in just under three months and in this video I weighed in at 199 pounds that morning.
This Deadlift video was filmed at the CrossFit Gym I go to in Langley called Langley CrossFit, and was part of a three section workout that included:
Warmup 4 Rounds:
- 5 Bar Deadlifts
- 4 Ring Rows
- 10 Lunges
- 20 Second Arm Hangs
Main Deadlift Workout:
- Deadlifts 8x8x8x8
- Warmup - 135 x 8
- 225 x 8
- 275 x 8
- 313 x 8
- 383 x 9
- 6 Box Jumps in-between Sets
5 Round Metcon Workout:
- 8 x Straight Leg Deadlifts with (65 Pounds Dumbbells)
- 12 Box Step-ups
- 10 Lunges
- 20 Second Plank.
You can see how this workout effected my heart rate and how many calories I burned by clicking on this link.

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