Deadlift PR - 405 Pounds x 15 Reps - 48 Years Old @ 195 Pounds

These days I don't even think about going for 1 rep maxes anymore, especially when it comes to the squat or deadlift. I am simple at too high of a risk for injury and the glory is not even close to being worth the risk. That said when it comes to multiple rep personal bests especially in the higher numbers well I'm game for that even at 48 years old one can strive to improve in all areas even strength!
I'm not 100% sure what my max rep deadlift for 405 pounds was but I am pretty sure I have popped out at least 12-13 reps before on more than one occasion. So today's 15 reps does go down as a personal best and I am even more happy about it since I'm deep into contest prep and rather low in body fat sitting right at 195 pounds close to 6% body fat only 5 weeks out from the CBBF Canadian Nationals where I will be competing in Men's Masters Physique.

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