Get Fit Over 40 Update Video - Victoria Cup - TheFitExpo Anaheim

In this video I talk about a couple upcoming events I will be attending in August of this year. The first event is the Victoria Cup Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini & Physique Championships and Expo taking place August the 15th 2015. I will be entering the Men's Physique Class but instead of going in the Masters devision, I have decided to compete with the young bucks this time in the Open Division. The reason for this is because I am already qualified for the BC's since I placed 1st place in my last Men's Masters Physique competition back in November of 2014.
My reason for entering the Victoria Cup is mainly for some more experience and to keep myself on track and motivated till the next BC's come around. Hey, you never know, I could even get my BC's qualification for the Open Class but I kind of doubt it since the under 40'ers are in pretty good shape generally!
We are about 2 month out from the Victoria Cup and it would be pretty normal to stat cutting for a competition like this but to be honest I am really well setup right now sitting around 7-8% body fat and only really need to lose 2-3% before the competition which is only around 4-6 pounds. I should have no problem doing this a month out, so my contest prep videos will begin in another month or so...
The next Big August announcement is that I will be attending TheFitExpo in Anaheim California and as it turns out this expo is literally the weekend after my Victoria Cup Physique Competition. This means I will be going to "TheFitExpo Anaheim" August 22nd 2015 in pretty much contest ready condition. What a great time to mingle with other Fitness folks and make some new connections in the industry!
If you are also planning to attend the "TheFitExpo Anaheim" this year then send me a shout out and perhaps we can connect at the show!
I also mention a couple of other things in this video, mainly to do with my nagging chest shoulder injury that has not really stopped me from training but has limited how much I can push myself on certain exercises. I have been doing higher reps and lower weight to work around the muscle strain and I'm getting pretty close to a full recovery. I have noticed a little bit of a strength loss but not so much of a muscle loss which is good.
Keep posted in about a month when I start my series of contest pre videos!

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