Shoulder Workout Using Dumbbells

I've done a "Total Gym Shoulder Workout Video" and also a "Upper Body Dumbbell Workout Video" but I wanted to do a series of "Upper Body Workouts" that focus on one specific muscle group using dumbbells only. To kick things off in this video I show you my basic free weight shoulder routine. Normally I sometimes add the use of my pulleys and or smith machine straight bar but using dumbbells works great for getting a really awesome free weigh shoulder exercise!
I know I have not touched upon my "Lose a few Pounds Program" for a while and it's not because I am trying to avoid it, it's actually going pretty good, I now weight between 173 and 174 so I've lost a couple more pounds but I feel like I have gained some muscle so we're all good, There is just this tiny bit of persistent fat right around my waistline that would be nice to see vanish so I will keep keeping on, I feel good and my eating and workout program are pretty routine so a few more week swill not be hard to do. At the and of it al I will do a final video but that will not be the end as I really want to keep the weight off for good and stay all leaned up so I will continue to monitor my intake and calories burned to stay on track.
Watch my Shoulder Workout Using Dumbbells YouTube Video: