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Oceanside California Vacation Highlights

Last week I went on vacation with my buddy Steve to Oceanside California where we stayed at the WorldMark Oceanside Resort. We spent a full week in Oceanside visiting the surrounding beaches, Mission Beach in San Diego along with Laguna Beach and Newport Beach.

We had a really great time, I was able to capture a variety of video of some of our experiences using my Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, My DJI Neo AI and FPV Drone, and my Meta Glasses. I have put together a video to share Oceanside California and surrounding area in a mostly chronological order for your viewing enjoyment.


DJI Neo Tailgate Parking Lot Rip

What do you do when your wife has an appointment you have been dragged along to, and you have 30 minutes to kill? Well you pull out your DJI NEO FPV Drone, pop your tailgate down, and do some parking lot ripping around and exploring...

Recorded in 1080p 60 fps, up-converted for YouTube to 4k 60fps.


DJI Neo Hawk Encounter

I love flying around with my FPV Drones and lately I have been zipping around a lot with my DJI NEO FPV Drone. Not because it is the best FPV drone in my arsenal but it has a good balance of video quality combined with being able to cruise around and get some decent video. The DJI NEO can record in 4k 30 fps but I prefer recording in 1080p 60 as it looks a lot smooth in the goggle, and in the final video output even with the lower resolution, and at least for FPV flying this is the way to go. For more slowed down cinematic stuff, 4k looks good too.

On this DJI Neo adventure, I came across a Red Tailed Hawk and so I decided to take my chances and see if he would allow me to get up a little closer to him. He didn't seem to mind much as I am sure he realized pretty quickly the DJI Neo was no match or threat to him. That said, I bugged out pretty quickly as I did not want to find out what would happen when a Hawk decides you are a predator. Enjoy the video, I think the little NEO does a pretty good job considering its low cost and small size.


DJI NEO Camera Gimbal Freakout

I was having a nice rip around the yard with my DJI NEO when for no real reason the camera gimbal started freaking out causing me to crash. Here is the recorded and unedited video feed from the 1080p 60fps drone and in camera recordings.

It seems that while the gimbal was acting up, the speed data on the goggles was way faster than it should have been as I was for sure not going that fast.

I did crash my DJI NEO pretty hard into the ground a bit before this but it flying fine for a while before the gimbal acted up. I restarted my NEO and it seemed to be fine after the restart? After the incident I gave it a really good cleaning just in case some dirt got in the gimbal system?

Has anyone else had this happen to them?


Fenbendazole Cured my Dogs Cancer

I don't generally talk about things like vitamins, supplements or medications all that often, but I did want to make an exception and maybe in the future I will cover more topics like this if it seems to be popular?

This video focuses on a medication commonly used for animals, but can be used on humans mainly for the purpose of deworming and parasite control. The product as the name of the video implies, is called Fenbendazole and I have been giving it to my dog Sammy for several months now, and I have even been talking it myself to make sure I am controlling any parasites that I may be infected with.

A few months ago my Dog Sammy was limping and when I checked out his lower right leg, I found a hard mass in the wrist area of his right paw. The area was drastically larger than his left wrist area, and had an oval shape to it. I did a bit of research on Shepherds, and it was very common for them to get cancers in areas like this, especially when they get older, and Sammy is now 10 years old. This was not good news to say the least. I remembered hearing about a medication called Fenbendazole that has been used to treat cancers in not only dogs but also in humans, and there was a lot of anecdotal cases of Fenbendazole curing animals and humans when there did not seem to be any other options available. Keep in mind this a product primarily used to treat Animals as a deworming medication.

Long story short, within about a week or so, Sammy was no longer limping, and his hard mass was shrinking, skip ahead several months and his hard mass is completely gone, and he is acting like a much younger dog than his age. This was an absolutely amazing result!

I of course am not recommending to anyone to forgo medical treatments, but I hope to bring some other options that can be combined with a cancer treatment and may improve your outcome. You should do your own research like I did, and come to your own conclusions.

I do not fully understand the mechanism behind Fenbendazole, and how it seems to help treat illnesses like cancers and even other ailments like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, but there does seem to be a common thread with all of these diseases which is a high prevalence of parasites in the body. It could be as simple as removing the parasites allows the body to focus on other things like cancer and fight that, rather than all the toxins being produced by the parasites. Again, I am not a doctor and this is just a theory.

Anyway I talk a lot more about all of this in the video, so have a listen and perhaps you may decide to give Fenbendazole a try for yourself, even if it is just to clean out your body of parasites.

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